Just to let you know that the supporters survey has now closed with 2,252 responses, including 900 more fans who are interested in knowing more about the Trust... this should take our combined following close to 3,000.
As we finalise the analysis we will knock up a survey report by 5th June 2013 to celebrate 6 months since our launch...
All the ways I think of to kill time until the fixtures come out 17th June!
Another stat.: 53% of Charlton fans have been going since before we returned to the Valley
Before the Trust started surveys we checked with experts what the minimum sample of randomly selected fans needed to be to give 95% confidence in the answers.
And we were told 266. For each survey we have promoted on here and to our members... which could be open to allegations of bias due to self selection and how the surveys are filled in by the same 500 fans
So trust supporters have stood in the rain (and the bars) to pick fans at random. It was noticeable that members, subscribers and fans are very much aligned except for the issue of Safe Standing and use of this website
This time we didn't because interview fans face to face as 1) no more games left! and 2) we felt that a survey with well over 2,000 fans participating gives a fairly accurate picture... Especially when some of the findings are very similar to previous work.
There are of course possible errors but none of these will be material when we consider the uses to which the survey results are put such as looking at the Trust direction and designing campaign materials.
I expect the survey findings will be released soon and will hopefully be the basis for constructive debate around what the Trust should be doing next season.