How proud should we all be of the people of Woolwich, Charlton and the surrounding areas. The flower tributes around the barracks speak volumes for those people from a deprived part of South East London.
Charlton supporters who have posted their support on here for a charity match in honour of Lee Rigby and their desire to help make this happen makes me proud to be a Charlton fan and a South EAST Londoner.
I am not sure if it has already been mentioned but I would like to see the 3 unbelievably brave women who stood up to these (unable to use a word strong enough) and their families to be guests of honour if they can be traced if the match gets the go ahead.
Let us have the march from the barracks and send out the message to all that we are Charlton they are the British Army and we go where we like
I've always been incredibly proud of the fact I grew up In Woolwich.
Say what you will about the place, there is a proud history that is undeniable.
Recent events have really given me a real boost of pride about the place, the community, the genuine care shown towards the family of our fallen soldier, and the tributes laid too!... it's all very touching and I hope the world can see this place looking out for one-another too.
Its a shame that something like this brings the best out of people and makes a community stronger yet community groups spend years doing good work and get no response. What a strange and messed up world we live in.
I was born in Woolwich and agree with your sentiments.
The majority of people are good, honest and hardworking. I can actually only see two visual differences in the area. 1, The buildings: Major investment in transport infrastructure, superstores and accommodation. 2, The people: When I first grew up in the area the people were predominately Caucasian and now it is a diverse ethnic mix. In my opinion these changes are positive and should be embraced. I also agree and support the original post by Vincent.
Someone mentioned about the Arsenal development , do you think those people socialise in Woolwich itself? (and I don't include the dial arch pub in this)
The amount of flowers there is staggering
Sadly the ethnic mix in Woolwich isn't all a healthy melting pot. There are communities of refugees from war torn areas, various groups of questionable ethics, gangs, violence and a myriad of tensions. A copper mate of mine tells me that they will always think twice before attempting to stop Somalians as so many of them were taught to survive in a war from a very early age and are considered extremely dangerous.
Yes I know there are plenty of good law abiding folk living in Woolwich, but I wonder how many actually chose to live there ahead of other areas in the borough. SE18 as a postcode also includes Shooters Hill, Plumstead, Welling borders, and having lived in Plumstead for 15 years before I left last year I can say the mix of cultures there is generally a healthy one. But I can't agree it's quite the same in Woolwich.
The regeneration project has benefited the Council above all, a neat £3m pa saving on the building rationalisation, but there's doubts as to whether there will be any money in the next budget to continue the work and much has been criticised by local residents. In fact there were even interviews in the last few days on TV of people observing the money wasn't going on things that would change the local economy and/or make a real difference rather than a cosmetic one - and until they do Woolwich will be stuck. Great there's a mega Tesco's - will it help attract the big retailers back, regenerate the market, bring other businesses into town? I'm doubtful - in the meantime the Council are telling everyone how wonderful they have a library 4 times the size of its predecessor. Very worthy, but it won't transform the place.
I fear its last chance will be Crossrail. If the Council can't take advantage of the opportunities that offers then I just don't know where Woolwich can go.
As it stands currently, I live in Greenwich, I do well here, but I don't know if I could get clients to go to Woolwich. That's a bit of the problem. Also, Woolwich has a rubbish football team (Arsenal).
Went to school at st marys in john wilson street
I loved living in woolwich i loved the market i loved the sq
I moved away when i was 18 cos i had to but when i get out of the blackwall and get on the road to woolwich i feel like i am really home
Your home is where your heart is not who the people that reside there
Woolwich may be a shit hole to some of you but its my shit hole