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Seen a man about a flag

edited March 2007 in General Charlton
Went to Bow today to see the Che Hales flag, and it is massive.

A few Facts.

Weighs a mere 16 stone.
Printed on a £250,000 machine
covers 324 square meters
18 meters wide and high
and it looks quality.


  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]Went to Bow today to see the Che Hales flag, and it is massive.Weighs a mere 16 stone.
    Made of flagstones?
  • hehe, nope, the sheer size of it makes it's heavy, but it's double stiched and welded together so it's pretty strong.
  • are you sure the East-standers are up to the task?
  • Spread out across the size of the flag it ain't to bad, the material is quite light to be honest, so not a problem
  • when do we expect the first lawsuit to be filled for claustrophobia ??? :-)
  • Someone has gotta wake the East Standers up first before they'll start passing it back & forth.
  • Does it have any messages on the back for the "distribution network" to read as they pass it by ... eg. "Please remain in your seats until the end of the game or your f***ing flask may accidentally get smashed"
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]when do we expect the first lawsuit to be filled for claustrophobia ??? :-)

    haha, it actually lets the light through, so people can't complain about claustrophobia.
  • Serious question here - how is it going to be "handed-out" and how is it going to be collected back/folded-up etc. in again?
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]Someone has gotta wake the East Standers up first before they'll start passing it back & forth.[/quote]

    They might think they've been given a free group blanket!!
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  • [cite]Posted By: F-Blocker[/cite]Serious question here - how is it going to be "handed-out" and how is it going to be collected back/folded-up etc. in again?

    We have ways and means, the handign out ain't to bad, the pulling back in, isn't that hard, it's the folding it up, after the game which will take time
  • when is the flag going to be handed out, and pulled in?

    what will happen to it between being pulled in and folded up and who is doing that?
  • if i put my left leg in, will i have to put my left leg out ?
  • The fans are going to pass it round the ground, I'm hoping anyway Susie, I'll be pitch side pointing people in the right direction!
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]if i put my left leg in, will i have to put my left leg out ?

    probably or you'd fall over.
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]The fans are going to pass it round the ground, I'm hoping anyway Susie, I'll be pitch side pointing people in the right direction!

    will you see any of the game?
  • Yeah, goes straight in a bag, and then in a lock up, should be in my seat by kick off, fingers crossed
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]Went to Bow today to see the Che Hales flag, and it is massive.

    A few Facts.

    Weighs a mere 16 stone.
    Printed on a £250,000 machine
    covers 324 square meters
    18 meters wide and high
    and it looks quality.

    Great work and well done to all involved. Can't wait to see it.
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]hehe, nope, the sheer size of it makes it's heavy, but it's double stiched and welded together so it's pretty strong.

    Cheers Rothko, I will be using that excuse from now on :)
  • I can see it now "put that ruddy flag down I can't see, now where's me flask...."
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  • Have spoke with someone today who tells me that it weighs a ton? It was so HEAVY that 2 members of staff couldn't lift it, reckons it will take at least SIX PEOPLE and will be difficult to get in the stand, anyway it's ready and waiting to be moved, good luck.Can't wait to see the end result?
  • Nothing near a ton, no where near, it's about 15 stone according to the company who produced, and they reckon on 4 people, depends how bigger wimps work for the club
  • It's about the size of this Liverpool flag and they took it to Cardiff, Barcelona and back to Anfield.

    I don't do, can't do
  • I'm sure it will be okay, matey couldn't believe the size and weight when it arrived,still i'm sure it will be okay, can't wait to see Rothko,By the way he's not a wimp but take your point.
  • Nice one. Good to see my donation has been put to such fine use. Killer is god!!
  • What a tribute this will be be to a true legend, i was lucky enough to see the man in action and will never forget, truly amazing, nuff said, He did a good breakfast at his cafe as well, anyone go there?
  • I can see it now with the smoking ban. Everyone will be trying to have a sneaky cigarette underneath it as it goes round.
    Well done tho cant wait to see it. Rekon that will get on match of the day i do.
  • [cite]Posted By: carlsberg[/cite]I can see it now with the smoking ban. Everyone will be trying to have a sneaky cigarette underneath it as it goes round.
    Well done tho cant wait to see it. Rekon that will get on match of the day i do.
    Has it been fire-proofed???
  • when is it's unveiling
  • Yes, we had to provide a fire certificate.

    Unveiling about 1.10pm
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