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Boston Bomb



  • Genuinely can't understand why or how you would let yourself be captured alive.

    Shoot yourself, blow yourself up, do anything, but letting yourself be captured alive is a very bad move.
  • Can he be given the death penalty?

    Scumbags not worth the upkeep to kept alive
  • Unusually, the second 'perpetrator' did not commit suicide. That gives the authorities scope to find out his motives for carrying out this lunacy.
    The surviving bomber has lived in the USA since early boyhood. I suspect that the much older brother is really the demon behind this incident.
  • Can he be given the death penalty?

    Scumbags not worth the upkeep to kept alive

    Massachusets doesn't have the death penalty but i'm sure there's some kind of federal law that says they can kill him if they want to.

    His solicitor will probably advise him to blame it all on his brother.

  • Both demons.....the younger brother placed the bomb which killed the kid.
  • Just seen all those idiots jumping up and down cheering USA full of joy because he has been caught. When will they understand its things like that, that make people hate them more? Its not a time to celebrate, its a time to reflect and thanks those involved for getting him.
  • I agree.with scabbyhorse both of them are total evil!
  • time for them to reflect what the money raised in Boston and given to other terrorists did in the Uk
  • cafckev said:

    Just seen all those idiots jumping up and down cheering USA full of joy because he has been caught. When will they understand its things like that, that make people hate them more? Its not a time to celebrate, its a time to reflect and thanks those involved for getting him.

    copper said it was a victory

  • time for them to reflect what the money raised in Boston and given to other terrorists did in the Uk

    That is so true. Boston was one of the bigger cities to donate to the IRA in the 1970's and 80's but that was different as they were freedom fighters and were not blowing up Americans!

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  • cafckev said:

    That is so true. Boston was one of the bigger cities to donate to the IRA in the 1970's and 80's but that was different as they were freedom fighters and were not blowing up Americans!

    I thought that too, but didn't feel it was right to say so whilst the suspects were still at large.

    Don't spose they will see it quite the same way though.
  • edited April 2013
    agree about the ira thing. shame it has to happen to them (9/11) to see how wrong it is.

    also agree about all the chanting as if they had just won the super bowl. still a bit childish.
  • I wonder how many of these incidents were funded by US money?
  • cafckev said:

    Just seen all those idiots jumping up and down cheering USA full of joy because he has been caught. When will they understand its things like that, that make people hate them more? Its not a time to celebrate, its a time to reflect and thanks those involved for getting him.

    What rubbish. Why wouldn't you celebrate the capture of the perpetrator of such a heinous crime? Especially when it happened in your home town or neighborhood, and you might have friends or neighbors among the dead or wounded, and you haven't been able to leave your house for the last 24 hours. These people are not idiots, just very relieved.

  • Off_it said:

    I thought that too, but didn't feel it was right to say so whilst the suspects were still at large.

    Don't spose they will see it quite the same way though.
    Yeah I saw a few comments along these lines and like you thought best to leave well alone til they caught this pair.

  • Wow.. Been away for the last few hours. Just got back in. So many lame arguments and sanctimonious requests for me to 'step back and evaluate'.

    Comparing social media's efforts to identify the terrorist's who killed and maimed people with the Mccann case and other cases going back over the last 10 years is just silly. And those types of 'witch hunts' have been going on in those types of situations long before the advent of social media.

    I saw the picture of the boy who turned out to be an innocent Morrocan student. I saw other pictures where the person looked very similar to one of the suspects the police have eventually identified. What if someone working in a hardware store saw some of these pictures and recognised a person as someone he sold a pressure cooker to in the last month or so? If the pictures had just been sent to the police that person would never see the picture unless the police publish every single photo they receive.

    The Moroccan student is an innocent victim. All the people who had their picture posted on the internet bacause they were carrying a black rucksack are innocent victims. Their lives will very quickly get back to normal (just like the lives of many innocent muslims living in New York after 9/11). If there are reports that they become victims of vigilente groups or the police come out and explain how the publishing of the pictures on the internet hindered their hunt for the suspects I would reconsider my view on the power and proper use of social media in the fight against terrorism.

    In the meantime I give thanks that I don't live in China or North Korea and feel safer in the knowledge that the internet and social media makes it that much harder for forces of evil to move freely amongst us undetected.

    NIce point about social media but at least they don't shoot schoolkids for entertainment in China (or North Korea for that matter).
  • Can he be given the death penalty?

    Scumbags not worth the upkeep to kept alive

    Timothy McVeigh was executed...but that was for a federal crime. MA has no death penalty. It depends on whether the crime is deemed to be against a federal authority in some way and of course whether he survives.

  • On the subject of being falsely excused, this article details the experiences of three people wrongly accused of being one of the Boston bombers:

    Note how Fox News hounded the flat-mate of the first accused, making his life a misery to boot.

  • limeygent said:

    What rubbish. Why wouldn't you celebrate the capture of the perpetrator of such a heinous crime? Especially when it happened in your home town or neighborhood, and you might have friends or neighbors among the dead or wounded, and you haven't been able to leave your house for the last 24 hours. These people are not idiots, just very relieved.

    So, how many times have you seen it in Northern Ireland? My workplace has been targeted twice by the IRA in the 80's and 90's but luckly enough both didnt go off, yet I wasnt jumping up and down shouting UK, UK, UK. You didnt see anyone in Ireland celebrate when members of the IRA were captured. They carried on with respect and dare I say class.
    If you was a bomber who saw those reqctions, wouldnt it make you even more detremind to have a sucess?

  • Am I the only one who thinks the coverage of this event by the British media has been over the top?
    A shocking, horrific crime that has affected the lives of innocent people forever but after the blanket coverage of Thatcher over the previous two week and now this; I honestly feel that there must have been other important events home and abroad that have not been covered.
    From what I have observed, BBC News (radio and TV) and Sky News have virtually reported on nothing else all week.
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  • Riviera said:

    Am I the only one who thinks the coverage of this event by the British media has been over the top?
    A shocking, horrific crime that has affected the lives of innocent people forever but after the blanket coverage of Thatcher over the previous two week and now this; I honestly feel that there must have been other important events home and abroad that have not been covered.
    From what I have observed, BBC News (radio and TV) and Sky News have virtually reported on nothing else all week.

    I find it sad that worse happens daily in Syria and Iraq and it doesn't even get on the radar. Sure the majority affected there are as innocent as those in Boston. Way of the world I suppose and stuff in ' Murica seems closer to home.

    Do find it odd that we get their weather reports though.
  • cafckev said:

    So, how many times have you seen it in Northern Ireland? My workplace has been targeted twice by the IRA in the 80's and 90's but luckly enough both didnt go off, yet I wasnt jumping up and down shouting UK, UK, UK. You didnt see anyone in Ireland celebrate when members of the IRA were captured. They carried on with respect and dare I say class.
    If you was a bomber who saw those reqctions, wouldnt it make you even more detremind to have a sucess?

    So who were they respecting with class, the bombers? Very strange. And these bombs in Boston did go off, killed an eight-year old boy and two young women, scores of people severely injured, an entire city on lockdown for a day, life totally disrupted. Of course they cheered and celebrated, they caught the scumbag. It was an attack against the USA, and there was a spontaneous celebration for the best possible conclusion, I'm happy for them, so should you be. No telling where it might have happened next.
  • The good ol boys in the U S of A opened up another can of whooparse. Yippee.

    At least they managed to avoid accidentally killing some Brits this time.
  • Off_it said:

    The good ol boys in the U S of A opened up another can of whooparse. Yippee.

    At least they managed to avoid accidentally killing some Brits this time.

    Ha ha ha ha that's quality !
  • Off_it said:

    The good ol boys in the U S of A opened up another can of whooparse. Yippee.

    At least they managed to avoid accidentally killing some Brits this time.

    For goodness sake.....

  • limeygent said:

    For goodness sake.....

    You've got your view and I've got mine. Leave it at that.
  • Off_it said:

    You've got your view and I've got mine. Leave it at that.
    The USA got attacked and they're the bad guys?
  • limeygent said:

    The USA got attacked and they're the bad guys?
    So, you don't want to leave it there then?
  • Off_it said:

    So, you don't want to leave it there then?
    I live in The States and I get tired of seeing Americans get "slagged off" on this site by people who have never been further than Folkestone or Watford. The truth about the average American, is that they want to live a peaceful life, exactly the same as the average Brit. does, no more or less. There are good ones and bad ones, just like there are good and bad Brits. There have been good and bad American governments just like there have been good and bad British governments. American foreign policy has sometimes been good and sometimes bad, just like the British. For all that, we Brits and Americans still have more in common than we have differences. So please, get Off_it.
  • edited April 2013

    Note how Fox News hounded the flat-mate of the first accused, making his life a misery to boot.

    '...making his life a misery'! '....afraid to go outside'!

    If they really feel this I think they are in need of a serious reality check. The best way to do this would be for someone to drive them to the Boston hospital where all the real victims are. They should first spend time with the father of the boy who was killed and the little girl who had her leg blown off. He would probably be sitting at the bed side of his wife wondering what long term brain damage she may have suffered. Then they should go and spend time with each of the dozen people who have had one or both of their legs blown off. They might then get some perspective and understanding of the real victims in this whole business and what a life of misery really means.

    I really don't understand that article. Firstly, none of these people were 'falsely accused' of anything. Being considered a suspect and accused of something are two very different things. Secondly, 'innocent victim 1' was injured in the blast and taken to hospital and because he was of middle eastern appearance he was considered a suspect in the hospital. The fact is that the vast majority of terrorist attacks against the USA are carried out by muslims so it is perfectly understandable, and acceptable in my eyes, that he should be treated with suspicion in the first few hours after the attack. It is total nonsense to suggest, as this article does, that he was the victim of racism.

    When multicultural cities are attacked by foreign terrorists it is perfectly normal for the residents of those cities who share the same religion, ethnicity or country of origin as the terrorist group who carried out the attack to suffer suspicion and prejudice especially in the days immediatley following the attack. Irish communities, pubs and clubs in London and Birmingham suffered this in the 70's and 80's during the IRA bombing campaign. Muslin communities suffered this after the 9/11 and 7/7 attacks in New York and London. It is wrong. But it is a natural human response. What is important is that it does not become institutionalised. The US goverment is to be commended for the way it has consistently stressed that its muslim communities should not be held responsible for the 9/11 attacks. When members of the muslim community are subjected to this prejudice they have the same protection from the law and police force as any other group, Naturally, immediately following a terrorist attack there will be an increase in these incidents of prejudice. It sounds harsh but I think they just have to accept it as part of the price of living in a multi cultural country/city in the free world and remember there are many societies (especially in the muslim world) where the backlash against an ethnic minority following a terrorist attack results in large scale massacre.

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