Following on from the coffee shop thread ... .there are so many coffee chains now people are clearly buying a lot of the stuff. What drinks have bought for yourself (or had bought for you) in the last 24 hours - coffee, tea, beer, coke, water ... ?
a) cup of tea 40p (canteen) after lunch
b) 4 pints of lager £10 (pub/gig) evening
b) Tea at Home - Free
c) Water at Home - Free
Coffee at work - free
Bottle of Sprite - no idea how much it was
Water at home - free
You don't buy tea from a supermarket or pay water rates then Ketters?!
No I live at my Aunt's & do not pay for rates or Tea or Coffee. Christ I should go to University & turn into a student & really learn how to sponge off the state.
on an average day, will drink just tap water from work all day, and then maybe have a squash with my dinner in the evening. have cut right down on my fizzy drinks intake, and never drink booze indoors, bar the occassional glass of rose.
diet coke at work x 3 free
juice at home x 1 (1.19 a bottle to be diliuted with water)
smirnoff ice black's to celebrate x 2 les says paid
just going to make myself a free cup of tea now.
but as I got in an an ungodly hour I bought a poof's coffee from the canteen at 99p
bottle of rioja in the tapas/thai in charlton
small bottle of volvic strawberry
free cup of crap filtered coffee at work.
i buy a lot of water even tho we've got a filtered tap at work... mug.
- cup of tea at breakfast at home
- glass of orange juice at home
- several cups of water at work (free)
- 3 cups of herbal at work (about 10p for tea bag)
- cup of tea 40p at work after lunch
- cup of coffee when get home
- glass of cranberry juice at home
- 4 pints of lager £10 evening
- cup of herbal (with toast & marmite) before bed
(why do people by Evian, spell evian backwards) :-)