Would anybody really actually give a wet sh!t what it might get branded? If spanish tony whores out the naming rights of the place in exchange for an effective chunk of working capital - job's a good'un. We'll all still call it The Valley anyway. Nobody ever remembers what the last naming sponsor was after these deals expire. Promote Jimmy Seed to The East Stand, paint the visitors' end pink and flog it to Katie Jordan Price - fill in your own '... loads of drunken pr..." punchline
RyanAir Valley, club could close up the financial hole by charging a quid to use the bogs, seat prices would be based on a ridiculously complicated algorithm and away fans would pay a £32 per ticket credit card charge.
RyanAir Valley, club could close up the financial hole by charging a quid to use the bogs, seat prices would be based on a ridiculously complicated algorithm and away fans would pay a £32 per ticket credit card charge.
I hope they do not look too closely at our squad, the excess baggage costs could cripple us.
Means we get another 'local' derby next season against Reading!
Promote Jimmy Seed to The East Stand, paint the visitors' end pink and flog it to Katie Jordan Price - fill in your own '... loads of drunken pr..." punchline