THE man who sacked Southend boss Paul Sturrock two weeks before their Wembley final is involved in a job dispute of his own.
Shrimpers chief executive Steve Kavanagh is taking Charlton to an industrial tribunal over his exit last summer.
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Very interesting. Thanks.
But interesting they think Varney has settled
The system is loaded against you, the rug is pulled from under you, you have to make some very difficult decisions and your bucket is full of holes. But yeah, let's blame the man trying to carry the bucket.
I've heard that they can't even find the bucket these days.
Always trust Tango to come up with the facts.
Might start plastering pictures of Rachel Riley all over the showbiz section n all.
A couple of things.
CEO don't sack managers, chairman do. Slater sacked Parky not Kav and I'd wager good money it was the Southend Chairman who sacked Sturrock not Kav.
Kav was an employee and if he feels he was dealt with unfairly he's entitled to go to law. The truth will come out in court.
If Varney has settled, which I very strongly doubt, what did he settle and why was a settlement ever needed. As I say I doubt that he left on good terms or that the issue has been settled. Either way the Varney left on good terms myth is undermined.
My guess is that the Sturrock sacking is being used oppurtunistically by someone to undermine the credentials of Kavanagh prior to the case mentioned.
Of course, Mr Slater could clarify the situation very easily with a statement on the official site. I look forward to reading an obscure reference in the SLP instead.
Sacked a club stalwart with Parkinson's just before a wembley final. - As Henry says, chairman and owners make the decision to sack the manager, not the chief executive.
Trying to extract money out of our club despite them leaking cash under his regime and him resigning. - The club leaked money because of a string of bad board decisions, most of them football related and made before Kav was even a director. Is David Joyes (chief financial officer) responsible for the club's current parlous financial state - hardly. If you or I gave notice at work, you'd expect either to work that notice or be paid for it, I assume.
Happy enough to bin a number of charlton staff himself when his dire financial management necessitated it. - Staff were made redundant because the team was relegated two divisions in two years. Inevitably this was a fraught and unfair process and I would certainly have made some different decisions at senior level, as I know would Kav if they had been his decisions. They weren't. However, it is risible to say that mismanagement by the head of finance / managing director caused the redundancies - bad football decisions leading to two relegations and a massive drop in income did.
There are a number of people on here who will have had dealings with Kav over the ten or so years he worked for the club. I gave him a hard enough time as chief executive in private, as he'd acknowledge, but he is a decent, honest and professional person who cares about what happens to our club.
My understanding is that the Sun story is also wrong in one important respect. There has been no settlement between Peter Varney and the club, although Peter's is not an employment tribunal but a court case.
It's interesting that the Sun journalist knows who Airman Brown is. I'm waiting for the story in The Sun tomorrow about international playboy and superstud "Killer and Flash" :-)
To be fair the Sun is reporting the case as "believed to have been settled".
Reminds me of the on-line only article which told readers that Scott Parker had signed for Chelsea, when at the time Charlton were still fighting to keep him, he only signed two weeks later. I complained about it to the PCC at the time, as it was obvious that it was an article with an agenda rather than a news report. People shouldn't hesitate to make a similar complaint if this article turns out to be similarly bogus.
The Sun just doesn't seem to learn, does it?
Nominally . . . but in any case we'd lost the Premier League TV money in 2007 and then the parachute payment and the more limited Championship TV money, etc, that would have replaced it in one hit in 2009. It's difficult to see how that was Steve Kavanagh's fault. Neither was it his (very expensive) choice to continue to employ Waggott and Nigel Capelin in 2009/10 - see the 2010/11 published accounts for how much they cost.
Kavanagh was not even appointed to the board until September 2010. It's laughable to suggest that he had any influence on the crucial football decisions and they are the source of the financial problems.
You make the mistake of believing that the title " CEO" at a football club is the same role as one with the same title at e.g. Unilever . It isn't. As others have said, the chairman, or rather the owner in our current case, makes the key decisions that a CEO would in a normal business.
All i want is answers abd truth to things that are being let out in snipets from both sides
Its not new news its not an expose but it may make people think about their actions in the short term and just what they may have been playing with and manipulating to fit agendas