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Rules from other sports that might help football



  • Interesting point about the moving the team back ten yards for backchat, yes it was given a trial, but was it actually ever enforced, like it is in rugby? I never saw it used, I'm pretty sure that if the referees had the balls to use it consistently, players would soon get fed up with being marched back. Yes it would involve a culture change, and yes it would need consistent, brave refereeing, but there is no reason why this rule should not work in football. And as for the 'middle class tossers' comment, I really do shake my head in disbelief at some of the ignorant attitudes on here.
  • The moving forward 10 yards thing was enforced. And you had free kicks moved forward towards the goal line when the attacking team didn't want that to happen. It was a bit rubbish and was stopped.

    Here's one. If a keeper is sent off, no sub keeper allowed on. It was funny when an outfield player had to go in goal (cf Steve Brown).

    The law that covers not arguing with the ref should be properly enforced. Start chucking out a few yellows for that and it would stop.
  • Golf buggie for Danny Haynes to leave the pitch on when he is subbed.
  • There was a quite awful tackle on a Newcastle player that was missed by the ref. The FA have ruled that as one of the officials says he saw the incident, no action can be taken - which is clearly ridiculous. Should clubs be able to cite (I think that is the word) a player for an incident to be looked into and appropriate action taken?
  • Ice Hockey, Rule 606:

    A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall be assessed to any player who “butt-ends” or attempts to “butt-end” an opponent.
    An attempt to “butt-end” shall include all cases where a “butt-end” gesture is made regardless of whether body contact is made or not.
  • I like the sin bin idea, but how does that work if you are going to tot up cards leading to a ban?

    I also like the idea that players should respect the ref, but for that to work the refs must be better.

    Scrap the off-side rule.
  • Timekeeper in the stand like RL, take this away from the ref
  • Not sure if these are Rugby or not but:-

    Sin bins
    A third card that distinguishs yellow card offences ... so that you don't get sent off for two silly infringements like taking shirt off
    time keeper.
    If a player receives treatment having been fouled and has to leave the pitch then the offending player has to go off too, and only returns when the injured player returns or is substituted.
    Half time and fulltime are only called if the ball is in the middle third of the pitch
  • Let medical staff come on to aid injured players but keep the game flowing. Would cut out all the feining injuries.
  • Let the teams have a punch up (no kicking, eye gouging or hair pulling allowed).
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  • what about the challenge system in tennis could allow teams 2 incorrect challenges per game max. However i think we can all agree video technology needs to be brought in asap

    Or maybe not... :-D
  • Whilst watching the rugby at the weekend

    That's the point where I stopped reading.
    Haha, same.
  • ^^^this :D

    reckon if the ball strikes a defender in line with the goalposts, going on to hit an area within a metre of either post, the attacking side can appeal for a goal to the fourth official, who can in turn go upstairs where they have Hawkeye, one bad appeal per side
  • I would like to see all of the following introduced:

    No choking, although you may push at an opponents throat (Sumo)
    Taking a shot with both feet off the ground shall be considered a foul (Snooker)
    Players to wear correct sportive non transparent leotard or unitard, which must be of elegant design. The neckline must be "proper," extending down "no further than half of the sternum and no further than the lower line of the shoulder blades." (Women's Gymnastics)
    Garments must be at least the size of a tea towel (Extreme Underwater Ironing)
    Each player must have a cloth handkerchief with him during the whole of the match (Wrestling - proper wrestling, not the nonsense on tv)
    Competition takes place through two consecutive lengths of a 60-yard (55 m) water filled trench cut through a peat bog (Bog Snorkelling) - The Valley Pitch would be ideal for this
    Players must remain underwater until there is a goal (Underwater Hockey)
    Players have to continually shout "Kabaddi" (Kabaddi)
    Points are awarded in scores of 15, 30 and 40. If a game lands on 40-40 it’s known as deuce. (Tennis)
    A standard ball should have 336 dimples on it (Golf)
    Players struck with a ball that is then caught before it becomes dead are eliminated (Dodgeball)
    No drugs or stimulants to be used. Water is considered to be a stimulant. (Worm charming)
    A light sprinkling of sand is applied inside of the ring (Sumo)
  • LenGlover said:

    Moving free kicks (penalties in rugby) 10 yards if there is backchat to the referee

    They tried that once as an experiment, but FIFA ditched it.

  • LenGlover said:

    Moving free kicks (penalties in rugby) 10 yards if there is backchat to the referee

    They tried that once as an experiment, but FIFA ditched it.

    I think the mistake they made was not giving the attacking team the option as to where within the ten yards they could actually take the kick?
  • Some good ideas here, especially from Stig.

    Sin bin for second bookable or professional foul. Could be interesting with keepers. Would you bring on the sub-keeper or use an outfield player for ten minutes?

    4th official to act as timekeeper and the full/half time whistle can only be blown when the ball is out of play.

    Appeal system. One appeal per half, carried over if successful. Can be used for anything and called only by the captain. I don't think they would be wasted for a disputed throw, for example.
  • Stig that qualifies for Stig's post of the week. Brilliant stuff. But you have too much time on your hands!
  • I think at all free kicks the option should be to take the kick within 10yds - forward, back or sideways to where the offence was committed.
  • I'd bring in bar billiard style mushrooms that would be set up on the crossbars. If you manage to dislodge the opposition's mushroom you reset the opposition's score to nil. Massive excitement in games even if one team is leading 5-1.
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  • I agree with those saying that the attacking side should be given an option whether to go forward, sideways, etc if the referee is given abuse. In rugby, the captain's are given options, for scrums, lineouts etc, it doesn't slow the game down, and with some bottle could be enforced. I just don't think that the footballer authorities are strong or courageous enough to enforce it, or back the referees who would be. If they are serious about stopping the terrible attitude of some players and managers, they could do, but like their embarrassing 'respect' campaign, they don't seem to be able to do anything properly.
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