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  • 7-8 hours a night and we take it it turns at the weekend to have a lay in. We were lucky with the little un, slept through from quite an early age and she hardly ever wakes up during the night.
  • edited March 2013
    on average 6-7 hours.

    though this one time in band camp college i slept for 23hours.
  • My kids have never slept through really until they hit the terrible 2s and then yiu get more trouble up to now where my little girl still has some health issues and sleep can be a bonus

    Try sleeping in the childrens ward for sleep deprevation
  • Davo55 said:

    Usually about 7 but almost always up in the night for a pee - sad side effect of being in late 50s!

    By saying "a pee", I'm assuming once. Just wait til your late late 50's!!!

  • About seven hours a night but I seem to have lost the ability to sleep in on a day off. Still wake up at 6.30 every morning.
  • zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • edited March 2013
    7-8 if I'm lucky......

    Apparently old Maggie Thatcher only slept for 4 hours a night while PM!
  • Davo55 said:

    Usually about 7 but almost always up in the night for a pee - sad side effect of being in late 50s!

    By saying "a pee", I'm assuming once. Just wait til your late late 50's!!!

    :-) That's made me feel much better about it EF. I'm still a sprightly one pee-er a night YAY!!!!!
  • *mumbles*....."Lucky bugger"..........
  • What's wrong with you all ? I sleep like a baby. Eight hours midweek and nine at weekends. Perhaps none of you work hard enough ;0)
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  • Between 4 and 6 hours - and at the very most 7.

    Have never been a 'good' sleeper, but at the same time have always been able to function on amounts that some would struggle on, so I have sort of accepted in my late 30s that's how I am.
  • I'm an insomniac - my sleep pattern is f***ed and has been since I was a kid. Function much better later on in the day though, no matter how much sleep I get/don't get
  • Sympathies to those who struggle with sleep , be it through young kids or other stuff , does anyone have any good tips for getting a good nights kip , do the hot choccies / hot drinks work before bedtime?
  • About 7 hours or slightly less, but I have real difficulty in getting myself to bed at a sensible time. It seems to be predicated on the the wholly illogical basis that I might miss something interesting if I go to bed a little earlier - not, of course, that anything interesting happens.

    I sleep a little longer on Sunday mornings, but not much. Harder to lie in as you get older
  • Lately very little sleep as our twins have been ill. Starting to get back to being well now but I think they've got used to night time cuddles so keep waking up . Hearing my little girl say at 2am "I'll just have a little cuddle mummy" is not easy.

    6 hours unbroken sleep would be a luxury.
  • Uboat said:

    MrOneLung said:

    NOTHING prepares you for lack of sleep with a baby.

    Even if people think only need feeding every 4 hours so get them off at say 10pm give em a feed at 2 and in the morning at 6 when get up.

    In reality:

    9/10 pm Try to get them off to sleep.
    12am - get them off to sleep.
    2am - they wake for an early feed.
    3 am - finish their feed.
    4 am - finally get them back to sleep after their feed
    6 am - another feed and off to work.

    Cheers for that! I'm torn between as many lie ins as possible now while I can, or starting ti train myself into getting up early!
    When we had our first child I finally understood why sleep deprivation was the torture of choice for Stalin's secret police. I'd have confessed to anything just to get a couple of hours.
    Haha!! I'm slowly trying to convince them at work to introduce 3o'clock nap time!
  • on average 6-7 hours.

    though this one time in band camp college i slept for 23hours.

    'Fresher's flu' went round halls when I was in the first year at Uni, and at one point I felt awful, went to bed, put some Liverpool UEFA Cup game on TV and promptly fell asleep (understandable I think), so I know it was Thursday evening, and I woke up on Saturday morning. It took me about two hours to work out it was Saturday and not Friday, and work out how long I'd slept.
  • Struggle to switch off once in bed. Managing 5-6 projects at the moment and there is always something going on in my head. Have taken to keeping a pad and pen on the bedside table as I continually wake at 3 or 4am and realise I have forgotten to call someone or chase something. The worst is when you wake and think of an angle no-one on the project has considered.

    I suppose I get 5-6 hours a night week days, rarely attempt going to sleep before midnight and am up at 7.30am.

    As I commute by cycle I generally find myself dozing around 8pm and will often drift off for 30mins or so. Feel like crap when I wake up from that.

    Weekends depends on booze intake. Thankfully my daughter is now 8 and likes her parents staying in bed. She cones down, fires up the laptop and makes herself toast and is good for 2-3 hours.
  • It doesn't help when your missus sleep talks and wakes you up babbling away about random nonsense. I'd love my own bed sometimes.
  • Although I should add that the purchase of a memory foam matress has improved my sleep. Stupidly comfortable.
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  • BIG_ROB said:

    7-8 if I'm lucky......

    Apparently old Maggie Thatcher only slept for 4 hours a night while PM!

    Whilst hanging upside down from a branch, no doubt.

  • BIG_ROB said:

    7-8 if I'm lucky......

    Apparently old Maggie Thatcher only slept for 4 hours a night while PM!

    Whilst hanging upside down from a branch, no doubt.

    Like it ;o)
  • on average 6-7 hours.

    though this one time in band camp college i slept for 23hours.

    'Fresher's flu' went round halls when I was in the first year at Uni, and at one point I felt awful, went to bed, put some Liverpool UEFA Cup game on TV and promptly fell asleep (understandable I think), so I know it was Thursday evening, and I woke up on Saturday morning. It took me about two hours to work out it was Saturday and not Friday, and work out how long I'd slept.
    That's absolutely mental! I'd have to wake up at least for a drink of water/a piss.

    Dated a girl in my first year when I was in halls and she was an insomniac and just didnt let me sleep at night. Would finally make her let me go to bed at 7am and i'd sleep through the entire day, missed the royal wedding because i was asleep all day because of that girl! She didn't keep me up for that reason either, so i wasnt getting anything out of it.
  • About five hours on average, say 2am 'til 7am. It varies a lot, but I'm never in bed before midnight.
  • After so many years of having to get up early for work, when retirement came it took ages for the body clock to adjust so that I could just roll over and start snoring again for another couple of hours. About two mornings, I think.
  • I like working after midnight so always late to bed...probably 4 hours max, usually 3.
  • on average 6-7 hours.

    though this one time in band camp college i slept for 23hours.

    'Fresher's flu' went round halls when I was in the first year at Uni, and at one point I felt awful, went to bed, put some Liverpool UEFA Cup game on TV and promptly fell asleep (understandable I think), so I know it was Thursday evening, and I woke up on Saturday morning. It took me about two hours to work out it was Saturday and not Friday, and work out how long I'd slept.
    That's absolutely mental! I'd have to wake up at least for a drink of water/a piss.

    Dated a girl in my first year when I was in halls and she was an insomniac and just didnt let me sleep at night. Would finally make her let me go to bed at 7am and i'd sleep through the entire day, missed the royal wedding because i was asleep all day because of that girl! She didn't keep me up for that reason either, so i wasnt getting anything out of it.
    yeah... i slept through the royal wedding. kind of pleased about it as well.
  • I've always been a light sleeper but now I seem to wake up early and can't get back to sleep. Maybe that's a sign of getting older. :-) 6 hours if I'm lucky nowadays.
  • My sleep pattern has changed considerably since I became a London Cabbie last year. Used to survive on 5-6 hours when I had a 9-5 job, but now I need no less than 7. Got a 4 month old baby too but she's been as good as gold sleep-wise from day 1 so can't blame her when I feel knackered!
  • edited March 2013
    Sometimes I might get only 20 minutes. Other times I am completely out of it for 14 hours.
    Sometimes I have 8 days in a week, sometimes I have 6.
    Part of working night shifts.

    When I was at school it would be between 2-4 hours and then lie in until I left for charlton on the saturday.
    Thats probably why I am working night shifts..

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