I've been on TV a few times as well actually, the best Charlton one being ruffling Scott Wagstaff's hair at Stockport when he scored our second a few years ago, but overall this got me the most text messages et al (bottom left foreground):
Me, Ian and Vince did an interview for football focus as some on here will remember. We spent an hour and half answering questions in the Oak which obviously was condensed into a few minutes but all that the texts came thru said was about how I had done three quarters of my pint by the end compared to the other two! But obviously they were on their second..
God I must dig it out. It was all about supporting our then manager Dowie. Think we got abuse for that too!
I was also on Dreamteam when Harchester were playing they used footage of our fans up at Filbert street, zoomed in on me, my brother and Dad. Was watching it with couple of mates and one of them laughed and said "That fat kid looks like you," I replied saying "F Off," to then realise it was me, You know what they say about the Camera putting 10 stone on you.
I was on John Cravens news round back in the seventies when he he came to St Margaret's primary school in Plumstead to talk about the introduction of calculators .
I'm currently banned from all waterways across the UK, as is the whole of the Bristol University Big Band Society. We are (probably) the only such society banned from all waterways.
I'm currently banned from all waterways across the UK, as is the whole of the Bristol University Big Band Society. We are (probably) the only such society banned from all waterways.
Dated Deanna Sinatra and Katerina Kiss (Hungarian radio presenter in Australia), not at the same time I hasten to add.... and was friends with Kate Bush John Springate and Pete Phipps as a teenager.
After my uncle's firm done a lot of work for children in need he managed to blag a few VIP tickets for'us. After a lot of free boozing backstage with the celebrities we went out and sat down and watched the show. Terry Wogan went out into the crowd to interview someone about 8 rows in front, so while everyone was sat down and quiet me and my dad thought it would be a good idea to stand up and start jumping around in the background. Still got the footage somewhere
I'm currently banned from all waterways across the UK, as is the whole of the Bristol University Big Band Society. We are (probably) the only such society banned from all waterways.
Paddy, this begs the question, why?
It's not too good an answer I'm afraid. A few of the guys on a society outing were fairly drunk, quite early in the day (3/4pm?), and ended up causing a bit of havoc on a canal somehow, I think to the point where other vessels were inconvenienced in their routine, leading to delays. Can't remember the exact details. The ban was imposed a couple of years ago and to my knowledge hasn't been lifted. So I've sort of inherited the ban - a Big Band Soc original sin, if you like.
Got on the news a lot recently in the back of footage showing pistorius at the Paralympics as we had great seats for the final night of athletics last summer
was on question time while still at school in about 1982. My daughter featured for about 1 second during the Football League Show feature on us last season (she was wearing a red santa hat and looking at the programme). Used to put on very poorly attended comedy nights in Lewisham and one night I had a line up of 3 comics (all playing for a door split); the audience was tiny, and two of the three refused to go on, which was a shame as the one who was up for it was Graham Norton. He had a good attitude, unlike the other two whose names I can't even remember. I'm infamous for wearing loud shirts whenever I get the chance.
Used to put on very poorly attended comedy nights in Lewisham and one night I had a line up of 3 comics (all playing for a door split); the audience was tiny, and two of the three refused to go on, which was a shame as the one who was up for it was Graham Norton. He had a good attitude, unlike the other two whose names I can't even remember.
And thereby hangs a tale... How pleasing is it that he made the big time! Well deserved, obviously.
God I must dig it out. It was all about supporting our then manager Dowie. Think we got abuse for that too!
(And no, I wasn't that cab driver who had turned up for a job interview)
I'm infamous for my lifetime ban from Argos.
is that Daniel "i supported millwall with gusto and was on the terraces every saturday with the lads" Day Lewis?
i noticed it in the paper today and remembered reading this the other day.
Used to put on very poorly attended comedy nights in Lewisham and one night I had a line up of 3 comics (all playing for a door split); the audience was tiny, and two of the three refused to go on, which was a shame as the one who was up for it was Graham Norton. He had a good attitude, unlike the other two whose names I can't even remember.
I'm infamous for wearing loud shirts whenever I get the chance.