14 year old Bingaddick Junior (bless him) who some will know lives away from home in a therapeutic community has phoned his old Dad and has asked him if he would take him to this years Download Festival.
Being the Dad in question and somewhat past the half century and not having been to a rock festival since Blackbush in....well decades ago, and not wanting to be seen as past it, I am worried. So a ask you good fellow Lifers:
a) have you been recently, or are you going this year?
b) other things being equal, is it OK for a strapping 14 year old?
c) if I take him, what are the possible pitfalls?
d) how easy is it to camp there?
d) any other pearls of wisdom?
Many thanks in advance.
Some great acts on there to be fair - Alice In Chains stands out, as do Motorhead and Stone Sour.
b) other things being equal, is it OK for a strapping 14 year old? Yep, just stick together and take a good battery phone each for contact
c) if I take him, what are the possible pitfalls? People off their faces and loud nights, hard to sleep if youre camping but there's "family" campsites which are a bit better.
d) how easy is it to camp there? Very easy if you don't mind alot of noise at camping throughout the night. Everyones friendly in reality
d) any other pearls of wisdom? Take alot of stuff you think you 'might' need, always come in handy.. Wet wipes being a key one.
Iron Maiden are awesome live. If you can, have a listen of the live version of "Fear of the Dark". I absolutely love that song.
You'll enjoy the 2nd day a lot more, in terms of knowing who's who, & more radio friendly songs over the years. Metal gets a bad rap, but just go with an open mind, you will be very surprised! Some really clever & interesting bands there.
It's ultimately about your boy though, & his spending a great weekend away with his pa!
On a band recommendation note, whatever you do, do not miss Karnivool!!! Shit name, but don't let that put you off. I saw them a month back, & they are a truly excellent band! Also, Queens Of The Stone Age & Alice In Chains. Iron Maiden are a very good live band & put on a good, fun, though cheesey (in a metal cliche style-type-way) stage show.
Good on ya Bing. Hope you & BA.JR. Have a great time!
Anyway... friendly place. never too packed, so easy for camping compared to most festivals of its size and getting around in general is easy. Apart from getting close to the stages, especially for the big acts, gets hectic. Oh but parking can be a bloody nightmare so get there early.
Everyone is friendly. never saw any agro when i went. apart from the mosh pits....just keep your arms down so not to punch anyone accidently in the face. should be fine. oh and unlike me never stand next to one thinking your safe. had just bought a pint then some kid went into me it went everywhere...mainly over me. Problem is you can't blame the kid cos he got pushed himself. He apologised but i had to make the 30 minute round trip to get another beer. Ive moved on though so it's fine...no grudges.
Always have a spot which can be seen for a distance where you meet up if you two get separated. or just back at the tent.
Bring spare of everything...plus some snacks...hats...boots...suncream...towel....washing stuff....water.....mirror.
overall just relax and enjoy it. If you cant stand the music...ear plugs....or drugs.....no..... bring your own music then....mp3/tape player. annoy the metal fans by your high pitched out of tune singing of a Belinda Carlisle song.
Have a good time.
Looking at the lineup, it'll be rock but not too heavy. Take time to chill out and sit down otherwise you'll be dead on your feet by the Saturday evening. Pick somewhere to camp that's in a relatively quiet corner if you want to get any decent sleep.
A padlock is worth locking up your tent with when not around, in the past pikies have jumped the fences there to raid people's belongings. It won't thief-proof your tent but should act as a deterrent. If you're more so thinking a hotel/B&B then I think they used to run special daily services from Derby.
Baby wipes and hand sanitiser on order!
Oh yeah, prepare to lose your dignity and decency when you use the toilets