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Firsty I'm not having a go at waggy, I love the fact that he never gives up (first go on Tuesday) and he has an eye for goal but as a winger he cant seem to beat a full back on the outside and put good crosses into the box. When he cuts inside inside he looks very dangerous, good shot, runs at pace and finds a red shirt. If we play a 4-5-1 formation I would love to see him playing in a free role between the midfield and the lone striker. He never stops running with or without the ball, can link the play and the majority of his shots are on target. Using waggy in the middle can very quickly turn defence into attack. Good idea or am I talking sh*t?


  • Apparantly he is now Rhoys Wagstaff according to Sky.
  • I agree with what you say about not beating the full-back, but in reality he simply doesn't need to. With Wiggins/Evina so dangerous with their left foot around the outside on the overlap it adds another dimension to our play when he cuts in.
  • He's playing out of position. As a right footer on the left he will also tend to cut in rather than go outside as he's not two footed (like most of our players he more comfortable on his strongest foot). It gives evina or wiggins more room to go outside when he cuts in (powell's view not just mine)

    He can and has played behind a striker but we have Haynes and fuller.

    He's doing well where he is and covers back very well. The only place I would move him is to wide right but we have Wilson and Pritchard there so he does a great job for us out of position. Team player, well liked, works his nuts off.
  • Being a right footer playing on the left he reminds me of another player who worked his nuts off ...... Jonny Robinson.
  • Bilko said:

    Being a right footer playing on the left he reminds me of another player who worked his nuts off ...... Jonny Robinson.

    Robinson used to moan at refs and linos all the time. Waggy doesn't do that but if he did people on here would slag him off for doing it : - )
  • edited February 2013
    There's no reason why him and Haynes/pritchard/wilson (basically whoever is playing RM) can't swap over every 20 mins or so.

    Haynes (if starting) would be great cutting inside and striking from distance.

    Also gives the oppo full backs something to think about and hopefully get at their weakness.

    I'm a big fan of wide men swapping over during the game if they do their defensive duties.
  • I thought he might be on the way out but he has played well since getting into the side. He will never be a winger who beats people but his workrate is excellent and I think he has improved his play when in possession. I haven't been his greatest fan but am starting to see some potential and that he can do a job at this level.
  • Bilko said:

    Being a right footer playing on the left he reminds me of another player who worked his nuts off ...... Jonny Robinson.

    Robinson used to moan at refs and linos all the time. Waggy doesn't do that but if he did people on here would slag him off for doing it : - )
    yes he does! Not as much as Robbo, but he does like to fall over and moan to the ref afterwards...
  • The original poster makes a good point and it's always been the frustration about Wagstaff for me that hedoesn't beat the full back, even when on the right. He's not a 'tricky' winger in that he can bamboozle a full back. His method is to run outside the defender which often causes him to then cut back on to his left foot as he runs out of room. He also isn't pacy from a standing start so has to be in full flight to really beat a full back for speed. He is effective in his work rate and team play and I, in the times I've seen him play off the front man, am yet to be convinced that he has anything to offer in this role.
  • Thought he might have struggled when he first started on the left this season but he's looked much more comfortable than he did when he played there a few years back.

    Cutting inside to shoot or create space for the left back seems to suit him. Guess its not really that surprising as his game has never been about swinging in crosses or beating full backs.

    Shame he wasn't involved earlier on this season. We saw how effective Pritchard's energy was in this league early on, there was no reason why Wagstaff couldn't offer something similar. Pritchard being a CM has the better all round game, but Wagstaff has proven he can score goals.
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  • He has done well since getting back into the team and does add a lot of energy and committment which is great. My observations are that he isn't that quick so finds beating a full back on the outside difficult, his final ball needs a lot of improvement and he still goes to ground to easy. However he can pop up and score the odd goal is he a front man? I wouldn't say so and for me he remains a squad player.
  • Bilko said:

    Being a right footer playing on the left he reminds me of another player who worked his nuts off ...... Jonny Robinson.

    Robinson used to moan at refs and linos all the time. Waggy doesn't do that but if he did people on here would slag him off for doing it : - )
    yes he does! Not as much as Robbo, but he does like to fall over and moan to the ref afterwards...
    whoooooosh ; - )
  • David Beckham is probably a good example of a winger who couldn't beat his full back - ever. He just developed a technique of getting his cross in without having to bother! Going past full backs is not the be all and end all.
  • In his recent good form he has rarely given the ball away or wasted possession (I've only seen home games). Combined with energy and pace he has been a great team player. I reckon he could develop his ability to take on the full back, but maybe he'd end up losing possession more???? Whatever, he has done really well and should be feeling very confident in his ability.
  • Edgey I have only seen away games but agree with this.

    Like him and glad he has done well on his return to the fold. With him Pritch and Wilson available no team at this level will out-energise us
  • He's been like a new signing since he's come in on the left. One of those footballing cliches but in this case it's true.
  • Been surprised at how good he's been lately. Always a worry for me that his form can be very patchy, but then I suppose that's wingers for you...

    And as said, you can't fault his workrate - while Llera's goal when we were down to 9 men against Swindon often gets a mention, the other thing from that always sticks in my mind was Waggy's tireless performance, basically having to cover the entire right hand side of the pitch.
  • Waggy is doing brilliantly.....The whole team plays with more energy when Waggy plays...And we pick up more points!
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