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Whos was that Chubby Chasing Charlton Fan ?

Hi ya. I’m Gawain. Football is the new religion of the world. The love to someone’s club is what makes people going these days. I love football and Millwall FC, in the southeast of London is my club.
This week coming up is the London derby week. It’s starting off tomorrow with a game versus Charlton at our own castle, the New Den. Our team is called the Millwall Lions, and this year’s squad actually stands a great chance against our rivals from Charlton.
Millwall FC vs. Charlton Athletic
I went to bed quite early last night, figured that would be sensible to maximize my performance in the fights this week. I slept in as usual, had a big brunch and took a walk to our pub, the pub where we Bushwackers hang out.
The referee blew and the game was under way. Our Lions started the match with a lot of possession, and in after 7 minutes Marc Laird shoot an excellent pass, right to the feet of the striker Steve Morison. Feint left, two steps right and then Morison number 20 passed on the left of the defender. Alone with the goalkeeper, number 20 did his duty and Millwall was one – nil over Charlton. We had gone off with a flyer! The quality of the match was however low, few scoring chances occurred until Charlton equalized late into the match. We had the victory but were pipped at the post and “only” got one point out of Charlton. The match wasn’t the important part though. The fight was, and it was rough and I do have big troubles moving my fingers right now. I’ve broken my nose and lost a tooth and I feel like jollier than in a long time.
yesterday’s fight I must say almost got to me. A “brill” fight and without miscounting, which the booze probably forces me to do, I would say that I delivered no less than at least 23 “kicks in the Jacksons” worth counting for, however the punch I received from that chubby chaser, that gormless wuss, who never should be allowed to call himself a football fan (probably the reason why he cheers for Charlton), I must admit was a fantastic strike. Right on the spot, cracked my nose in a “whiff”, but on the other hand I wouldn’t bet my money on him walking for a week if I were you. Bloody hell! Probably gave the poor bloke the lesson of his lifetime! Will be “wee-weeing” blood for ages, poor man, didn’t know better. No one picks a fight with papa Gawain Nosworthy and walks away with his dignity intact, especially not on home ground!
Slang dictionary:
• “Noggers” - Gaddar, tänder
• “Brill” - Härlig, brilliant
• “The Jacksons” - De manliga genitalierna
• “Gormless wuss” - Fjolla, mes
• Go off with a flyer - Få en jättebra start
• Pip at the post - Bli av med ledning på slutet

The lads and I unleash our wrath opon the filthy weezers every time Millwall goes into combat. I'm Gawain, a true 62-year-old Bushwacker from Millwall.

Sorry if this has been on before but bored at work in Sweden and come across this article i am sure its all a P take but is it ?


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