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Fat people on mobility scooters

Are very fat people now in the majority when it comes to users of mobility scooters? It seems the only people I see driving round on one are massively overweight people who need exercise. I had to laugh the other day when one such human being ( who must've only been in her late 30s) was sat outside Mcdonalds waiting for her partner (funnily enough, he was also fat) to come out with her lunch when an old girl in her 70s struggled past with a zimmer frame! I am sure the wrong person was on the state provided machine.

Saw one the other day in Welling, the bloke looked so big he appeared to be hovering up the street, concealing the vehicle entirely looking like Jabba the Hutt on a magic carpet.

Now i accept that there will be some users of these vehicles who are fat with a genuine disability who can't exercise as much as the average person, but when you see some of these Paralympians who can manage things, i'm starting to wonder if we've just got a society of lazy f*ckers.


  • Good luck with this one Chris...
  • BUT how do you know it was a state funded machine? Available for anyone to buy.
  • Has this turned into a "would ya"?
  • Could ya
  • It's only gonna get worse. . . . . . . . .
  • edited February 2013
    I agree the majority are just lazy. Not all are state funded, but a high percentage are and being morbidly obese some do qualify as disabled an get them state provided.
  • Should ya
  • A few people in my little town have them, none of them disabled. If I lived further out of town I'd probably get one too...look loads of fun, you can customize them with up-rated motors too.
  • My old mans got one of these, hes not fat though, (quad heart bypass, diabetes, knackered kidneys, all from drink) so has no feeling in his feet. Anyway he rides/drives it to the local sports centre, he lives near Gt Yarmouth, when he gets the sleeping policeman he has to get off and lift it over, otherwise he gets stuck teetering on the top??
    Just before Xmas last year he was riding back from the pub on the pavement pissed off his tits, when he had a head on with a lamppost, he ended up in the gutter with a knackered elbow, if thats not funny enough it was the same lamppost he hit in the summer!!
    My kids call his scooter The Hawking Mobile.
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  • Shit morning at work. Log on here and see this thread title straight away. Magic stuff ;-)
  • Can you get them in club colours , could see them going down a storm in the club shop.
  • I enjoy seeing a jolly bumbalatty chugging around on a scooter with a load of iceland pizzas in the basket. The smiling face of broken Britain.
  • "Jabba the hut on a magic carpet"

    Next time take a picture, just the thought has had me laughing for the past 5 minutes.

    [insert comment here about you stereotyping and being a horrible human being etc]

    But seriously, made my morning :)
  • Colin Powells' fault.
  • Powell out.
  • Greenie said:

    My old mans got one of these, hes not fat though, (quad heart bypass, diabetes, knackered kidneys, all from drink) so has no feeling in his feet. Anyway he rides/drives it to the local sports centre, he lives near Gt Yarmouth, when he gets the sleeping policeman he has to get off and lift it over, otherwise he gets stuck teetering on the top??
    Just before Xmas last year he was riding back from the pub on the pavement pissed off his tits, when he had a head on with a lamppost, he ended up in the gutter with a knackered elbow, if thats not funny enough it was the same lamppost he hit in the summer!!
    My kids call his scooter The Hawking Mobile.

    Superb! There's loads of them round our way in Oz for all the lazy fat fuckers who can't be arsed to walk - which is about 99% of Aussies.

    Some of the pensioners drive them like nutters and think they have the right of way all over the place, I nearly smashed into one old bird the other week she just sped straight from the pavement into the road.
  • The one in welling was probably not state funded as there is a mobility scooter shop near the top of the high street. The kind that sells custom ones that look like things like Harleys
  • If ya gonna be a lazy fatty you may as well be a stylish one
  • I work with the elderly, and I have never known the state to provide a mobility scooter yet!

    I have to agree that these machines are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. The bigger ones can do 8mph, doesn't sound a lot, but can do a lot of damage at that speed.
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  • Theres a shop up Bluewater (ground floor of course) that sells them. Everytime i go past it i think how cool it would be to have a massive race around the shopping centre in them against mates. Mobility scooter carnage.
  • Mobility scooter Rugby
  • Catch 22 situation. Fat people drive mobility scooters therefore don't get enough exercise and become fatter. God gave us legs so use the bloody things!
  • I have found in my experience that a lot of these mobility scooter users tend to 'scoot' at speeds which don't seem safe for other users of the pavements. They seem aggressive or they are pretending to be F1 drivers, and I wouldn't want to be hit by one of them anyway!! Anyone else feel the same?
  • JFH has got one FACT !
  • An old couple that live near me both have one. Weird sight seeing them cross the dual carriageway at quite some speed, one followed by the other.
  • The kind that sells custom ones that look like things like Harleys

    Have you got any photos of these? Pimp my mobility scooter.

  • Callum , your making the possibilities endless , i got to get one!
  • I bet Mel Harvey's laughing in his grave!
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