Long throw from Antonio, looking for Llera, Hamer punches away - worryingly dangerous throws it seems - we look to counter as McCabe gives it away, Haynes crosses, was gonna go over Helan but great control, brings it under and forward. He's having a good game apparently, Helan.
Sliced clearance from Llera, it drops to Wilson, Johnson has to be careful and they clear only to Frimpong, marked by Prutton though, Helan does stepovers in the final third for us, that was not good play (Paddy's commentator's curse?). Was in a cul-de-sac... Hm.
Played long to Madine, intercepted by our midfield, we go long for Haynes bur Gardner deals with it, Llera from Johnson now, looks long for O'Grady, Prutton wins a throw also, despite Frimpong's challenge.
Many miles have I travelled, Many games have I seen, Following Charlton my favourite team. Many hours have I spent in the covered end choir, Singing Valley Floyd Road, My only desire
Valley Floyd Road, Oh mist rolling in from the Thames, My desire, is always to be found at Valley, Floyd Road!
McCabe wins the ball, finds Buxton but we haed away for a throw. Goes backwards - good football by Wednesday - halfway line, Gardner well into Madine, Antonio, great cross but it's out only as far as Prutton, McCabe shoots, blocked, Prutton o the LH to Johnson, Helan has done very well, checks back, uses McCabe, hits it, blocked, out right, Antonio sliced the cross but its their corner.
owls on the attack....cross comes in...cort clears...shot comes in..jj blocks.....owls come again....shot comes in....blocked...and another shot..morrow concedes a corner
Many games have I seen,
Following Charlton my favourite team.
Many hours have I spent in the covered end choir,
Singing Valley Floyd Road,
My only desire
Valley Floyd Road,
Oh mist rolling in from the Thames,
My desire, is always to be found at
Valley, Floyd Road!