Jamie Oliver for the turkey and the spuds and gravy
His flavoured butter trick under the skin has been a favourite in our house for the last 4 years
His roast spuds are the best
His gravy is just the nutts didn't realise just how much flavour you get from making your own till we copied him
Nigella for the ham , her Xmas ham is the most amazing Christmas flavours and is the best IMO this is the 3rd year of nigella
Need someone for the beef any ideas anyone do something different with their beef at Christmas that they don't do any other time of year
Got 5 adults and 2 kids this year to feed so the meat sizes have gone up can't bloody wait for Xmas eve when the food starts to get cooked the first sign Santa is on way
Is it odd to have 3 meats for Xmas people in work say they only have 1
As this is my first vegetarian Christmas I am not sure what or who to follow.
From 23m
If there were more tv "chefs" about like Fanny, the western world wouldn't have the fat problems it has.
I'm married to a chef so any suggestions from me are ignored.
BTW Delia and Nigella are not chefs and have never called themselves chefs, Jamie Oliver is many things including lucky.
Ducks for cover
Joking by the way 8+)
mouth now watering
Nothing edible, and the kitchen's a bombsite.
And as many hot weird and wonderful pickles and chutneys that I have found throughout the year
Love squashing the Brussels into it with parsnips carrots swede
Do Jamie's freeze ahead gravy already in freezer and roasted root veg.
Have never done ham, can I serve it cold on Christmas Day? Don't want to have something else to get ready at the same time
Ps I am a vegetarian!
And for the whole time you still have it the taste of Xmas lives on in sandwiches and cold meat and chips
I swear it was a test of my gratitude to this day...
Them all nigella kicks arse