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iTunes v11

Worst ever "upgrade" I've experienced in my life. Complete load of old pony.

Can anyone suggest a free music player that will run on a Mac, that will allow me to see my music collection easy, and that's easy to switch to without the risk of losing anything?


  • What's wrong with it?
  • What's wrong with it?

    Complete load of old pony
  • What's wrong with it?

    Complete load of old pony
    Couldn't have put it better myself! ;-)

    I don't like the fact that if I do a search it automatically groups everything into albums - on the old version it just took stuff out of the playlist that didn't match the search. I don't like the fact that if I'm playing something that's not on the search list it keeps on playing it anyway. Most of all I don't like the fact that it's designed with one thing in mind - to get you into the itunes store. Stop trying to sell me stuff!
  • crApple

    The end is nigh.
  • can't even upgrade ... fails every time
  • Have had nothing but moans from the people at work who use it (we're iPad heavy, our latest product is exclusive to the iPad so I have something like 700 of them out there). Uniform dislike of iTunes 11. Personally, I've always thought iTunes (or any other piece os software that tries to 'manage' your media for you) is pony - but even I have to concede that this version is worse than the last. They're on their way out anyway - witness the last few product launch fiascos, the IOS 6 debacle and the furore surrounding ditching working maps for non-working maps. Since Jobs died, the lustre has worn off. No-one's drinking the kool aid any more.

    And don't get me started on the iPad mini. Useless bit of kit, with a wifi chip that fails consistently, apps that misbehave and build quality of a Chinese rip-off
  • Yep. It's tosh. And it seems like everytime I open the thing it asks me to download a new version. I finally gave in and downloaded it and wondered what on earth they were thinking. Opened it again this morning and it asks me to download a newer version. What the hell.
  • I hate the new upgrade too . No obvious sync button and it looks a mess.
  • Apple haven't got a thing right for a long time. Their last few product launches have been boring (which for a company that trades on form over substance is particularly worrisome) and their software's gone to sh!t too. I subscribed to iTunes Match which is seriously flawed and in the end I gave up with and just turned off. The latest iOS operating system 'upgrades' have caused problems with maps and more importantly wifi connectivity and they seem to be running out of ideas.

    I'm already planning for my transition to android and seriously tempted to short their shares as a long term spread (needs a bit more research before I'm that bold though!).
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  • Make sure you back up your Itunes folder too as when I upgraded to 11 my database file was corrupted. Had to do a system restore, backed it up and then re-installed. I like the new version which seems a lot slicker.
  • I have used (and still use) Media Monkey on Windows machines. Mainly for two reasons - its free and its capable of handling very large music libraries. I believe it is Apple compliant too. There were a few glitches with the latest version when they added video capability and other functions but they seem to have ironed that out now. Here's their website:
    There is a "Gold version" which I have for which you are supposed to pay but the basic free version does most things well.
  • Media Monkey is good. Haven't really had any issues with the upgrade. The usual kind of thing like where are my podcasts, where's the synch, but generally it's a better look and feel. There's an element of people not liking change in all of this, I think.
  • I've only used it once since upgrading, and I think it looks quite good - nice and clean. However, I only put my music on shuffle and left it, so I've yet to go through menu options, playlists or connect my iPhone to it.
  • Seems fine to me :)
  • Nothing wrong with it.

    Much simpler interface - if you bother to see how it works. You can sort your music in different ways as before.
  • Crusty54 said:

    Nothing wrong with it.

    Much simpler interface - if you bother to see how it works. You can sort your music in different ways as before.

    The very fact that I have to bother means that it's not simpler than before. And, having bothered, the search function still operates differently and is not as good (for me) as it was. Credit where it's due though, I do like new "play next" button.
  • Not entirely keen on the new search, but the rest of it is decent
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