ever thrown anyting at a footie match?
wobblers dont count as we are CAFC
I did throw a cheese roll once after coming driectly from work, direct hit as well !
Snow balls once
Cup of coffee at Aldershot (not the whole place!)
all in the old days of course.
Both done in my twenties.
Shouted "leave it" to Perez in the play-off final to allow Rufus to score.
©Stu Francis
I did once throw a punch but the comedian was being rude in front of me mum
Not proud of it and I'd like to think I'd act differently these days but we've all done silly things we regret when we were young.
Was pissed and it missed.
How exactly does one get a moped into a football stadium? 'It's my lucky vespa officer, I take it to all the games'