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Shocking (Kate Hoax Call)



  • DRAddick said:

    This is why I hate these types of practical jokes/shows.

    Practical jokes are fine on people you're close to and know very well. It my book no humour is out of bounds but it's all about context.
    But when strangers and messing with peoples jobs are involved then it's dangerous. You don't know what's going on in that persons life, what state they're in and what effect it might have. It appears they couldn't or wouldn't comprehend that if they were successful then someone's job is on the line. In it's simplest rational how did they know that the husband hadn't recently lost his job, that the family were struggling and now she feared being sacked.

    This joke itself might not be the 'reason' but it was obviously a contributing factor. Not worth the risk in my opinion but I'm sure the many people who make up the lowest common denominator in life and aren't directly effected and the media who pander to them will just say it's humour and things like this couldn't be foreseen.

    Thoughts are with the family.

    Bang on DRA, My sister's a nurse (NHS) and the pressure they're under is relentless. I know this lady was working in the private health sector but I would imagine that having a royal as a patient must only add to the stress.
    I also wonder whether what was a sense of pride in dealing with such high profile patients is then destroyed and turned into ridicule by such a childish and worthless prank.

  • LenGlover said:

    shirty5 said:

    LenGlover said:

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Put a sock in it Glover. What has this sad and tragic incident got to do with last saturday at Millwall!
    READ THE F_ING THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my comment is in response to others so don't single me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Don't pick on Len, I first made the suggestion that the hospital management are to blame,and I stand by my accusation.
    Eh? On what grounds?
  • Addickted said:

    It seems that the Nurse Saldanha, who died, answered the phone as there wasn't a receptionist on duty. Nurses are employed to nurse and you would expect a famous private hospital would be able to afford 24 hour receptionist cover and not rely on a nurse to answer outside calls for which I doubt they are trained to sort genuine from hoax calls. Did the nurse get support from the hospital management after the error, I bet not.

    Another case of hospital management cutting corners and expecting the nurses to work beyond their duties without proper support.

    Don't blame the Aussies, blame the hospital management.

    What a load of old bollocks. It's always 'managements fault' is the usual cry of the shop floor bully. Just typical of you Lincs, to make assumption after assumption without knowing any of the facts.

    What if the receptionist was in the loo when the call came in?

    If the Aussie's hadn't made such a pathetic prank call to a sick young woman in her early pregnancy we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    for a start Addickted get my name right, I'm not Lincs.
    for a second get your facts right the BBC report states:
    Mrs Saldanha, a duty nurse, answered the telephone because it was 05:30 GMT in the morning and there was no receptionist on duty."
    So Addickted who is making the assumptions - you I think so get YOUR facts right before you sound off.
    Sorry about the wrong vowell - easy mistake to make.

    What BBC report are you on about - no link to it on this thread.

    Which company that you've ever worked for in the UK has a receptionist on at 05.30 in the morning?

    Why is it 'Managements' fault' this key point you haven't answered. Where is your evidence for this? Easy target.

    As Off IT say's 'Classy'.
  • BIG_ROB said:

    LenGlover said:

    shirty5 said:

    LenGlover said:

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Put a sock in it Glover. What has this sad and tragic incident got to do with last saturday at Millwall!
    READ THE F_ING THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my comment is in response to others so don't single me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Don't pick on Len, I first made the suggestion that the hospital management are to blame,and I stand by my accusation.
    Eh? On what grounds?
    read my original remark on this thread

  • BIG_ROB said:

    LenGlover said:

    shirty5 said:

    LenGlover said:

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Put a sock in it Glover. What has this sad and tragic incident got to do with last saturday at Millwall!
    READ THE F_ING THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my comment is in response to others so don't single me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Don't pick on Len, I first made the suggestion that the hospital management are to blame,and I stand by my accusation.
    Eh? On what grounds?
    read my original remark on this thread

    Yeah, had a good old read, but I would've thought that it's part of a nurses job to answer the phone on their particular ward? I mean the managers can't tell nurses not to answer the blower on health and safety grounds! You surely can't blame them (hospital managers) for what a couple of cocky Aussie DJs are doing on the other side of the planet!? As someone said earlier, it's a hospital not a pizza parlour, so what are people doing making prank calls to the place? Ffs
  • Very sad. RIP. It was a silly prank but who could have foreseen this tragedy.

    My son works at the hospital and says it's like a zoo there with police and press.
  • not that anyone will ever know but the nurse who took her own life must have been in a very dark place before the phone call prank tipped her over the edge

    Maybe she was put under a lot of pressure by the hospital though. Who knows what went on but they'll all be covering their arses and saying the right things. Tragic.
  • It was a different nurse from the one that took the butt of the very poor hoax.
    The poor woman that has died just answered the phone and passed it over.
  • Rob said:

    not that anyone will ever know but the nurse who took her own life must have been in a very dark place before the phone call prank tipped her over the edge

    Maybe she was put under a lot of pressure by the hospital though. Who knows what went on but they'll all be covering their arses and saying the right things. Tragic.
    ...or maybe the hospital were very supportive and she had pressures in other areas in her life? Maybe the managers at the hospital couldn't have done more to help the poor woman. Maybe there's no covering up needs to be done? Maybe the the two cretins who made the prank call might think again before doing it again?
  • And that's true as well. Just putting another point over. Who knows what went on.
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  • RIP and best wishes to her poor family who have to go on with their lives.
  • Such a sad sad story.

    I'm sure the Aussie DJs are feeling pretty terrible right now. It was not a particularly funny or well judged prank, but I'm sure it was not done with any malice and the idea that anyone could have forseen it would end in the tragic way it has is not reasonable imo. we should not be too quick to damn the DJs.

    On the balance of things, it would seem more likely that the reaction of her employer/the media/the palace is more likley to have driven the poor woman to this than the embarrassment of being hoaxed, but until the full facts come out we won't know and may never know.

    Oohaah is right though, the woman was probably in a fragile mental state anyway and this has pushed her over the edge. It seems very hard to believe that this incident alone be enough to turn an otherwise happy and stable woman suicidal.

    You can't just say "it's one of those things" but I do hope this deosn't develop into some kind of witch hunt because I doubt anyone involved will be anything other than horrified by what has happened.
  • felt like crap when i heard this news.

    so sad.

  • "an over reaction by her employer--the media---the palace" yep everything but two silly Aussies twats was to blame.

    i do hope it develops into some kind of witch hunt for the two that did it.
  • edited December 2012
    Lets be sensible. There was a prank, many of us have partaken in workplace pranks over the years.

    I once phoned a colleague at home on holiday and in a fake accent convinced him that I was somebody from the local water authority about to turn his water off. I told him to fill kettles and baths with water as it would be off for days. He came back and told all his colleagues that his water was off. We all laughed, he was embarrassed and I dined out on the story. The impact on the victim was small, and it was not amplified beyond a few workplace mates.

    In this case this poor nurse was embarrassed, not in front of a few colleagues, but across the whole world and replayed over and over again.

    Those who plan and take part in pranks with wholly innocent unsuspecting victims caught up in their desire for a few cheap laughs on TV show need to take a long hard look at what impact they could have on their unsuspecting prey.

    Other media outlets like the BBC should also be careful that they are not compounding the mistakes of the pranksters by amplifying it.

    I was shocked and saddened to hear of this poor nurses death. I can't image how humiliated and utterly devastated she must have felt to have taken her own life.
  • The hospital had been supporting her, there had been no compliant from either St James or Buckingham Palace's, and the media was ok.

    There had been other issues, and this seems to have been the trigger, utterly tragic, and shows pranks aren't always 'banter' and funny
  • Rob62 said:

    PL54 said:

    LenGlover said:

    A crass prank but I don't think any reasonable person could have foreseen this consequence (unlike chairs and incendiary devices where the potential dangers are obvious to those with more brain cells than a plant).

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Unbelievable but so predictable.
    I really don't see this as predictable. For sure it was a very misjudged prank that invaded the privacy of someone who was in hospital at the very early stages of pregnancy, as well as upsetting the people who were duped, but it was not something that anyone could ever predict would lead to death.

    I would confidently say that everyone who has commented in this thread has at some point in their life made a bad decision that has adversely affected someone else, it's just that for us it hasn't lead to the death of that person.

    These Djs haven't mercilessly bullied anyone, they've pulled a shit prank that wasn't very funny. Without wanting to be crass and comment on something I know very little about, I would imagine that for this lady to have taken the action she did the prank call cannot have been the only factor, she must have been in a bad place before hand.

    Anyway, the whole thing is just very, very sad, and I feel for everyone involved.
    You got me wrong - the predictability was Len's fuck wit comment
  • The nurses may have been suffering problems before this call which tipped her over the edge, but unless she left so kind of note or message, we will never know why when took this sad decision.

    But, I am sure the call didn't help her. Regardless of what people are saying, I am sure that her managers gave her a real telling off for her error which would not have helped.

    Those responsible might not have foreseen this happening, but their actions would have contributed to her state of mind and ultimately caused her to end her life.
  • The poor woman has been humiliated across the whole world. It's pretty clear that this is an incredibly dangerous thing to do. The two DJs have now been suspended & hopefully they will never work again. They are just pathetic.
  • cafckev said:

    Regardless of what people are saying, I am sure that her managers gave her a real telling off for her error which would not have helped

    how do you know this ?
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  • Really awful news, only thing that can be said
  • JT said:

    i'd imagine there were underlying issues there too.

    was thinking the same thing
  • The poor woman has been humiliated across the whole world. It's pretty clear that this is an incredibly dangerous thing to do. The two DJs have now been suspended & hopefully they will never work again. They are just pathetic.

    thing is, it wasn't aired live. It was recorded and then run past the radio stations lawyers first. They okayed it for broadcast. Yes it was a silly prank to play but there are more than just the presenters culpable here, including the station bosses.
  • This whole story is very sad. I'm not sure why all the recriminations to be honest though. It's an awful situation, but no-one could reasonably have foreseen that. To all those who have got it in for the DJs who made the call, just have a think about when you first heard the news story. Did anyone at the time think, what a stupid thing to do they could kill someone with a prank like that? Of course not, no-one could reasonably be expected to predict that such a thing could happen. It's only a couple of months ago that there was a pranks thread here on Charlton Life. I wonder if any of the people who wrote on that stopped to think what the most outrageous consequences of their japes could be. Frankly, I hope they didn't - if everyone regulated their behaviour to avoid any risk no matter how minimal the chances of it occurring, no-one would ever do anything.

    My sympathies are with the friends and family of the lady who died, they must be going through hell at the moment. As for the DJs, I can't help but think that their suffering will be tremendous. Everyday there a millions of practical jokes played on people; it's all part of the fun of life. Just because one goes tragically wrong is no reason to start a witch hunt, especially as at the moment it is unknown what factors caused the poor lady's death. As a few others have said, I'd be very surprised if there weren't deeper underlying factors.
  • It was a different nurse from the one that took the butt of the very poor hoax.
    The poor woman that has died just answered the phone and passed it over.

    if this is true then the hoaxers aren't as much to blame as is being made out on here

  • Stig, that has to be up for your post of the week.
  • Stig said:

    This whole story is very sad. I'm not sure why all the recriminations to be honest though. It's an awful situation, but no-one could reasonably have foreseen that. To all those who have got it in for the DJs who made the call, just have a think about when you first heard the news story. Did anyone at the time think, what a stupid thing to do they could kill someone with a prank like that? Of course not, no-one could reasonably be expected to predict that such a thing could happen. It's only a couple of months ago that there was a pranks thread here on Charlton Life. I wonder if any of the people who wrote on that stopped to think what the most outrageous consequences of their japes could be. Frankly, I hope they didn't - if everyone regulated their behaviour to avoid any risk no matter how minimal the chances of it occurring, no-one would ever do anything.

    My sympathies are with the friends and family of the lady who died, they must be going through hell at the moment. As for the DJs, I can't help but think that their suffering will be tremendous. Everyday there a millions of practical jokes played on people; it's all part of the fun of life. Just because one goes tragically wrong is no reason to start a witch hunt, especially as at the moment it is unknown what factors caused the poor lady's death. As a few others have said, I'd be very surprised if there weren't deeper underlying factors.

    Stig, give yourself post of the week.

    I really don't get the continual obsession to immediately pin the blame on someone after every piece of bad news. Unfortunately this kind of thing always brings the string-em-up first, ask questions later brigade out in force.

  • Well put Stig.
  • Excellent post Stig.
  • It was a funny prank but the presenters have made too much of seal of it since and I'm sure they now feel awful. However, did anyone see the original reporting of it by the Daily Mail? Goodness, so over the top, making it sound like High Treason. No sensible person took it seriously, even Prince Charles joked about it the next day. If this poor woman happened to read the Mail's slant on it you can only imagine it would have upset and worried her.
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