KINS is Main Man! CAS Trust #BTTV20 Bartram's 5.12.12
Despite the Charlton Athletic Supporters' Trust (CAS Trust) still being embryonic, we believe the ocassion of the 20th anniversary of our return to the Valley was too important to miss. We aim to celebrate 20 years back at our home, and the amazing effort that went behind it with a special evening on the 5th of December at Bartram's, the Valley. Fans, Directors and Players stood shoulder to shoulder, a whole community stood up for what they believed in, so what better time to also launch the Trust?
Please try and join us and register your interest today events@castrust.orgSetting up the trust has been a monumental effort from all concerned and I hope everyone can appreciate that and join us in trying to change things for the better. I believe our fans have a huge amount to contribute to this club in the future and that having a professional well run supporters' trust is an excellent way of helping to achieving that.
If you feel the same way please register your details today as Trust Supporter
subscribe@castrust.org, full membership will be available very soon.
Here is a sneak preview of our new flyer for Saturday. To see the B-side reveal please see our website
www.castrust.orgYou can also find more about this on our website, along with a preview of the special 1st Edition of Trust News - we've put a lot into this, with some excellent contributions, but currently we only plan to publish 500 maximum in print. This will go on 'sale' this Saturday around the ground for a recommended £1 donation - Registered Trust Subscribers will receive a free e-version.
Thank you to everyone in the Charlton community who has supported this endeavour now and going forward, this trust needs every one one of you in whatever way you can contribute if it is to succeed, even just to spread the word and persuade friends to subscribe or join. We will proceed to an AGM early next year, where full members can vote or stand in elections and help form our policies going forward.
We will follow up next week with more details on the Event, and Trust updates as they come.
Barnie Razzell - interim chair, CAS Trust
You'll have the punctuation police after you otherwise : - )
Great work though.
On a pedantic point (more grammar police, sorry!) - it should be "Charlton played its first game..." ie no apostrophe in it's as that means "it is". Will certainly try and buy a copy at match on Sat in any case!
Looks very good
I will be at nw Kent meeting tonight see if I can get sir Chris to sign a copy