To be fair the first half of season one is a bit slow which is probably the reason why it wasn't picked up by major TV companies but from season 2 it takes off big time.
I saw the first season a good few years ago on fx or channel five, the dad out of Malcolm in the middle is the main man. I wondered where it went and keep hearing good stuff about it.
Everyone I know who watches this (me inc) agreed it was slow to start. Almost forced myself to be bothered to watch the first 6 shows, and probably only did through boredom. But jesus, once it got going, it was like a runaway steam roller...........................
I was hooked from the episode where Jessie goes home to his parents, Series 1 episode 4, I think. Didn't think series 1 was particularly slow really, but then I've always liked my drama to take the time to build characters and develop an atmosphere.
I was hooked from the episode where Jessie goes home to his parents, Series 1 episode 4, I think.
Series 1, ep 6. Yes that's the episode I finished on last night and it was a good'un. Ended with a shaved head and an 'explosive' drug deal (no spoilers for those who haven't seen it).
Was it really that late in the series? Still I didn't really find it boring up to then, just it was about that point I started to empaphise with the characters.
Agree about the slow building but think it was worthwhile for character development. Talking about characters, is it just me or can anyone else not stand Skyler or Marie?
Agree about the slow building but think it was worthwhile for character development. Talking about characters, is it just me or can anyone else not stand Skyler or Marie?
Skyler has a desperate dan chin, Walter reminds me of my father in law worryingly, and why is he always wearing green?
I liked it right from the start. I didn't think anything could top the Wire but probably BB does.
Loads of people hate Skylar and Marie. I think it's similar to how they hate Carmela and Buscemi's wife in Boardwalk - chicks getting in the way of gangster fun. But the family scenes are essential to the tension.
I try not to watch too many american shows, not that I don´t enjoy them, just they just eat up all of my life! Breaking Bad is probably one of the greatest shows ever created.
I think Skylar still has a huge part to play in the final 8 shows. I may be in the minority but I think her character is great and the scenes with just Walt and her in them in the last two seasons are both tense and heart-breaking. Plus I think she's a bit of a chick too!
I think Skylar still has a huge part to play in the final 8 shows. I may be in the minority but I think her character is great and the scenes with just Walt and her in them in the last two seasons are both tense and heart-breaking. Plus I think she's a bit of a chick too!
Not saying she isn't a good character, jus that she really winds me up. I guess its just good writing really to make me want to dislike her.
The final eight episodes start in less than a week. Can't wait, how do you lot want it to end? Personally I can still empathize with Walt but I think that he must die before the end of the series otherwise I will feel a bit robbed.
The final eight episodes start in less than a week. Can't wait, how do you lot want it to end? Personally I can still empathize with Walt but I think that he must die before the end of the series otherwise I will feel a bit robbed.
They've already stretched a terminal illness about as far as they can. He needs to go but whether it's the illness, his brother-in-law or some criminal element - who knows?
Jason Euell tweeted about it last night, has gone up even further in my estimation.
I think Walter will die. I'm not sure how, I have a feeling that him and Hank have a showdown but Hank won't be able to pull the trigger... Walter will, and his tranformation to Heisenberg is complete. I don't know how they could top Hank offing him though, a sudden cancer remission wouldn't maintain the drama level they've built up to.
Hamer, Jacko and Wilson are also massively into Breaking Bad as well, the lads have good taste. I think it could also be Jesse who kills Heisenberg, if he finds out about Jane and/or Brock. I have seen a description of the first scene of the new season ,which was shown at comic con, and if it is real then it sounds good but not to everybody's taste.
I'm just coming to the end of season 4 and am glad someone recommended it to me, really great drama and typical of me to only come across it, centuries after its been and gone. looking forward to season 5
I hope that he doesn't die. I would be my preference for him to have some event that makes it impossible for him to carry on making drugs yet has a decent life expectancy.
Unlike many other shows I don't sense any lack of interest in the fans. With that in mind I'm tempted to think that the makers will leave the door open for further specials or even another series.
Unfortunately not on British Tv , god knows why not, It will be on Netflix the day after it appears on US tv. Or there are other ways of seeing it ...ahem... the internet is a vast, wonderful place.
Bryan Cranston/ Walter looks a bit like Jim Davidson
Yes that's the episode I finished on last night and it was a good'un.
Ended with a shaved head and an 'explosive' drug deal (no spoilers for those who haven't seen it).
Loads of people hate Skylar and Marie. I think it's similar to how they hate Carmela and Buscemi's wife in Boardwalk - chicks getting in the way of gangster fun. But the family scenes are essential to the tension.
every episode is on there
Personally I can still empathize with Walt but I think that he must die before the end of the series otherwise I will feel a bit robbed.
4 days Bitch!!!! #BreakingBad
I think Walter will die. I'm not sure how, I have a feeling that him and Hank have a showdown but Hank won't be able to pull the trigger... Walter will, and his tranformation to Heisenberg is complete. I don't know how they could top Hank offing him though, a sudden cancer remission wouldn't maintain the drama level they've built up to.
I think it could also be Jesse who kills Heisenberg, if he finds out about Jane and/or Brock. I have seen a description of the first scene of the new season ,which was shown at comic con, and if it is real then it sounds good but not to everybody's taste.
Unlike many other shows I don't sense any lack of interest in the fans. With that in mind I'm tempted to think that the makers will leave the door open for further specials or even another series.