Every morning i have to face the journey of working in Croydon. The stench in the air as you arrive at the place,walking through the cracked paving slabs and seeing the nigels walk past you in which you just want to shout "tosser".
As entering the place where as a senior manager you have to be polite and mindful not to offend anyone there are three Palarse fans who have reveled in the fact that we have been in a lower league position for the last three years.
Even after suggesting that they should leave early from work so they can get home in time to see there favourite tv programme "Pointless" they still declined the offer.
Being charitable chaps one even offered a bet in which they wouldnt be pointless after the 14th September.It of course would have been rude of me not to oblige.£10 straight win draws are void.
What will make journey even easier today was the defeat the faced last night or humiliation and that i am in no doubt they will happily wish to talj about the game as much as they did after we lost to Orient.