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West Upper Service



  • The member of staff in the kiosk with most brain power/ability to read should operate the till, then two (or ideally more) members of staff should be behind simply fulfilling the orders. Queue from the right, till on the right. Customer orders & pays, is given receipt with order on it and moves to a collection point, staff given copy of the order to fulfil. Done. Next customer please...

    This ain't rocket science but nowhere in the stadium can do it. If you pay peanuts you will get monkeys.
  • I think the beer pouring machine would be a massive hit and would pay for itself and some. People will se it, be impressed and it will put it in their minds that they need a pint.
  • That bottom feeder machine is amazing
  • I wonder how much they cost - I want one!
  • OK, will do my best.

    But don't hold your breath....
  • OK, will do my best.

    But don't hold your breath....

    Would also be worth raising the option of sales operatives having beer dispensing back packs whilst they are walking round and beer bottle vending machines (I think Man City have these).

  • I want a beer dispensing back pack too!
  • edited August 2012
    The beer dispensers/back packs would also have the added advantage of freeing up the counter staff to do other tasks.....such as peeling celophane off the pies!!!
  • The beer dispensers/back packs would also have the added advantage of freeing up the counter staff to do other tasks.....such as peeling celophane off the pies!!!

    And giving out the correct change !!
  • If we can get some of these super dooper beers dispensers , the increase in sales would probably pay the wages of Ricardo Fuller.
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  • Carter said:

    Blackburn, Middlesbrough, Southampton all have the six pint wonder machines.

    Derby County have them as well. They do the job well.
    A good excuse to visit the ground , does anyone know how much these machines cost?

  • It seems a pub up north has got a self-service machine - could be good!
  • I suggest that those at the club responsible for concourse catering should forgoe their luncheon/smoked salmon sandwiches etc and go out and about for a few games. Queue up yourselves at various locations throught the ground and simply see for yourselves the appaling level of service and time wasted by poorly trained staff.
    I can assure you all that they would pretty soon come to the same conclusion that we all have.
    In this day and age we should also be looking way beyond the easy fix hot pies wrapped in suspicious looking plastic with Bovril', crisps and Kit-Kat scenario....please let's be a little more imaginative with the fare on's not rocket science, the British public is a lot more savvy and knowlegable about food nowadays and expect something more enticing and pleasing on the palet.

    Spot on
  • cafcfan said:

    It seems a pub up north has got a self-service machine - could be good!

    There's a self-service pub opened up near Blackfriars.

  • Vinnie V. said:

    Make it like Argos. One queue, one till takes your money gives you a receipt and the orders are made up by the rest of the twonks</

    No way I would pay in advance for a beer I won't get until after the second half has started.

    The only solution is to extend half time to 40 minutes.

  • The bar in upper north behind block m was laughable yesterday. There was one young girl who quite obviously hadn't been shown how to pull a pint.

    No pre pulled pints whatsoever .
    25 minutes it took me to get served .
    An utter joke.
  • Serious point. I know they might be expensive but surely the club could invest in 1 of those magnetic beer dispensers for each bar like the one here to at least speed up the service:

    They are used at a lot of the festivals nowadays & must increase revenue

    Blimey - they should get a couple of them in The Royal Oak.
  • edited August 2012
    The service in west upper is a joke how can pulling a pint be a 2 person operation, I was the only one being served on Saturday and it still took about 5 mins and there's only about 10 items on menu, so you think adding things up would be easy. Also I would rather have a nice glass of red wine and some cheese and biscuits ( well I am from the west stand) I went for a meal in a restaurant last night and service was just as bad , I ordered a bottle of wine and the waitress didn't screw the corkscrew in far enought so the cork only came half out, she then turned her back on us and when she turned back round the cork was out (I think she must have pulled it out with her teeth) she then poured two glasses instead of just pouring a little into one glass for one of us to taste, she then wedged the cork back into the bottle, so I think she would be perfect to work the bar at charlton. Also that beer machine above has got to be the way to go, so fast.
  • She might not have pulled it out with her teeth. Did she put the bottle between her legs ? :-)
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  • Watching that video, I feel like a time traveller from the 19th century watching someone use an Ipad. I might even have dribbled. How the hell does that work? Obviously there's a hole in the bottom of the glass, so why doesn't the beer come back out? I realise I sound quite special asking that, but I'm a History teacher, so bear with me.
  • I wouldn't drink those slops if they were hand delivered to my seat.

    Hip flask.
  • Redskin said:

    I wouldn't drink those slops if they were hand delivered to my seat.

    Hip flask.

    How pusillanimous!
  • Gasgit said:

    The service in west upper is a joke how can pulling a pint be a 2 person operation, I was the only one being served on Saturday and it still took about 5 mins and there's only about 10 items on menu, so you think adding things up would be easy. Also I would rather have a nice glass of red wine and some cheese and biscuits ( well I am from the west stand) I went for a meal in a restaurant last night and service was just as bad , I ordered a bottle of wine and the waitress didn't screw the corkscrew in far enought so the cork only came half out, she then turned her back on us and when she turned back round the cork was out (I think she must have pulled it out with her teeth) she then poured two glasses instead of just pouring a little into one glass for one of us to taste, she then wedged the cork back into the bottle, so I think she would be perfect to work the bar at charlton. Also that beer machine above has got to be the way to go, so fast.

    Your dead right, the thing is the stand was built with corporates in mind so all the space is used up by the lounges.
  • Loco said:

    Redskin said:

    I wouldn't drink those slops if they were hand delivered to my seat.

    Hip flask.

    How pusillanimous!

    Ah,Loco. You love that word. S
    adly you've used it out of context. Pusillanimous, no ; selective, yes :-)
  • I thought my wine tasted a bit fishy
  • Redskin said:

    Loco said:

    Redskin said:

    I wouldn't drink those slops if they were hand delivered to my seat.

    Hip flask.

    How pusillanimous!

    Ah,Loco. You love that word. S
    adly you've used it out of context. Pusillanimous, no ; selective, yes :-)
    I dont love it or hate it, horrible word when it gets pointed at you, isn't it?
  • The North Lower service on Friday was unbearable. They're either stuck in permanent slow motion or simply haven't been trained enough to deal with it. The amount of people who did one from the queue as they were never going to get served was incredible. Revenue being lost all over the gaf.

  • The north upper, the west side of it (Blocks JH etc) is just awful. The queue is like a free for all. The service is abysmal. On Friday one of the staff dropped a pint all over the fella being served in front of me. Went all over my shoes too. The steward just stood there with a confused look on his face.

    At one point, there were i think 6 members of staff (possibly all the staff in that kiosk) crowded around the beer pumps.

    At the Leicester game there was nearly a fight. People get too frustrated and too irritated with the whole fiasco of purchasing a pint and a bit of grub at half time
  • Surely if enough of you emailed the club on a regular basis it would bring the matter to thier attention. Find out who you need to email and copy and paste some of the above?
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