I can't get too excited by equestrian events , but maybe this is something a bit different , not everyones cuppa , but different , i'm hoping their going to bring in skateboarding into the Olympics , give those youngsters in .... something to aim for.
My girlfriend went to watch the dressage last thursday. I was offered a ticket but after failing to make up a valid excuse, I simply told her no thanks. Don't even like watching horses run or jump, so certainly not going to sit there all day watching them dance........................
I love the fact we are doing so well at he Olympics but it does not hide the point that there are some events that just should not be there and some events that have to many medals.
Swimming for example just has too many chances to win gold and in my opinion devalues the achievements, could you imagine the athletics events having 100m backwards or 1500m hop? I think Gymnastics is possibly another (not withstanding how difficult that looks).
I wouldn't be surprised if the Russians demanded that Bear Dancing gets recognised as an Olympic sport next.
Originally all the competitors were cavalry officers and the skill was showing how skilled the rider and horse would be in battle.
Not sure where the music bit came in.
IMHO, yesterday it came behind Adams, Jones, Taylor, Bolt & Rudisha.
Swimming for example just has too many chances to win gold and in my opinion devalues the achievements, could you imagine the athletics events having 100m backwards or 1500m hop? I think Gymnastics is possibly another (not withstanding how difficult that looks).
V good article:
Read from the bottom up, the comment at 13:01 sums up for me