I think you (and everyone else) have answered that one for yourself! There again, if you are über confident, make a big show of it (any doubts keep it discreet!).
Option 3 all the way unless the future Mrs Addickted loves pomposity more than you. I asked my missus in front of no one, on holiday, by the side of the bottomless lake in Aghios Nikolaos, Crete.
Never, ever in public. It should always be a private matter. Anything else is putting unfair pressure on. Whatever your style of delivery, it should be heartfelt.
The big question you have got to answer is would she like you to propose with a ring or would she want to choose the ring herself. Get that wrong mate and you might as well forget it.
There again, if you are über confident, make a big show of it (any doubts keep it discreet!).
Good luck though!
Bloody ouzo ; )
I'd be embarrassed!
So this is why you wouldn't buy me that shiny new bicycle for my Birthday!youtube.com/watch?v=d6MNcCUgzzw&feature=fvwrel
Watch and take note.
Worked for me
She said yes
Make sure you delete the browser history!!!
*not speaking from experience*