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New Tv series (REMEMBER: No Spoilers)



  • She has some jism about her for sure, I never used to watch the x files regularly and didn't really acknowledge any female apart from Gillian Anderson (never to be a would ya)

    She's veering in twd from being incredibly annoying to physcopathic woman-king warrior with a penknife. Michonne has been underused, and daryl
  • I'm going to start SOA soon. I was going to wait until it finished completely, but looks like it keeps getting renewed so will stick it on soon
  • Anyone think the walking dead's finale was a bit disappointing?
  • Anyone think the walking dead's finale was a bit disappointing?

    No spoilers please chaps.
  • Anyone think the walking dead's finale was a bit disappointing?

    No spoilers but I agree with you.
  • Anyone think the walking dead's finale was a bit disappointing?

    No spoilers but I agree with you.
    I'm not so sure. Not every finale needs to be explosive. Just tie up a few loose ends and leave the story ongoing. Neither of the other series have finished with a cliffhanger in the traditional way.

    I do agree with those above that have suggested that they made more episodes this season than they had decent stories for.
  • Anyone think the walking dead's finale was a bit disappointing?

    No spoilers but I agree with you.
  • edited April 2013
    Just getting into The Walking Dead after playing the game, which I highly recommend.

    Gave the pilot of Dexter a go. Couldn't really see what people are so excited about. Just seems like a trashy procedural.

    Also watched House of Cards, which was fantastic up until the point where you realise every character is a horrible human being and you hope they all rot in hell. I'll be watching season 2, I get the feeling that may be the direction.
  • Chunes said:

    Just getting into The Walking Dead after playing the game, which I highly recommend.

    Gave the pilot of Dexter a go. Couldn't really see what people are so excited about. Just seems like a trashy procedural.

    Also watched House of Cards, which was fantastic up until the point where you realise every character is a horrible human being and you hope they all rot in hell. I'll be watching season 2, I get the feeling that may be the direction.

    Dexter is so far removed from a procedural it's not even on the same planet. GIve it another go - season one hits its stride about four or five episodes in. Am looking forward to House Of Cards - going to watch the whole lot of S1 on my next long haul flight
  • Anyone see Evolution on Sky 1 over the weekend. I was looking forward to this as the trailors had looked good, but unless I missed something it pretty much started off with the post apolocypse scenes with hardly any reference to what happened. |I tuned it off after 40 mins.........complete waste of time.
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  • Fair enough Leroy, I'll give it some more time if that's the case.
  • Anyone see Evolution on Sky 1 over the weekend. I was looking forward to this as the trailors had looked good, but unless I missed something it pretty much started off with the post apolocypse scenes with hardly any reference to what happened. |I tuned it off after 40 mins.........complete waste of time.

    Do you mean Revolution? Give it another go it does get better!
  • edited April 2013

    Anyone see Evolution on Sky 1 over the weekend. I was looking forward to this as the trailors had looked good, but unless I missed something it pretty much started off with the post apolocypse scenes with hardly any reference to what happened. |I tuned it off after 40 mins.........complete waste of time.

    Saw the double episode series opener the other night. I've got to say, on first impressions, this appears to be the most ridiculous, overhyped, lowest common denominator, 'cliffhanger every episode', trashy pile of crap that I've ever had the misfortune to waste 2 hours of my life on.
    It appears to have embraced everything that JJ Abrams got wrong with LOST and nothing that he got right. The plot revolves around electricity just not working, the explanation may yet come, but all we've had so far is a reference to 'changing the laws of physics' or something. Oh, that is, unless you've got a special, or maybe magic, necklace. Jesus wept.
    The fight scenes are so pathetic it made me embarrassed for the actors. The lead characters try desperately to look sincere without ever pulling it off, while anyone who is presumably supposed to be of romantic interest permanently try to look smouldering (if male) or pouty, yet independent and strong willed (if female). Oh, and that's before I've even got started on the fact that everyone, yes EVERYONE - even the obligatory 'geeky character' who comes with standard issue bushy beard and AC-DC tshirt, has a perfect haircut that any world famous hairdresser would be happy to have created. This despite the plot telling us that not only are the lead characters on the road and camping, but also there hasn't been any electricity for fifteen years. Presumably some genius has invented hair straighteners that are powered by bullshit.
    If that wasn't enough misplaced glamour for you, the final straw for me came when the lead characters crept up on a slave train, complete with scene setting collapsing slave being told by fellow slave to get up before the guard kills you. The fellow slave in this case being another beautiful, exotic glamour girl who appears not to have even broken a sweat on this slave drive, let alone ruined her make up, despite the poor fellow in front of her collapsing with exhaustion. At least she had the good grace to simply tie her hair up I suppose.
    There is nothing good about this show. There was potential for outstanding cinematography to show once great landmarks reduced to overgrown shadows of their former selves. They did this but it's done poorly - "oh look, there's Wrigley Field, oh look, there's a famous bridge, oh look there's, er, some market that you might know if you're from Chicago." It just wasn't done well.
    Oh yeah, nearly forgot. Towards the end of the second episode, they suddenly, for no apparent reason, started a flag waving exercise where a version of the US flag became a symbol of the resistance, Complete with generic bad guy ordering one burned. WTF? I can only imagine someone went charging into Abrams' trailer yelling "JJ, we have to do something - this show is such a steaming pile of faeces, we're going to get rinsed by the critics and nobody's going to enjoy it, what should we do?" To which Abrams replies: "No problem, stick a load of over the top patriotism in and the critics won't dare criticise for fear of being called un-american. That'll do it. Oh and don't worry about the public, they're idiots."

    I urge every human being to avoid this garbage. Actually, no I don't. I urge every free thinking human being to watch at least one episode and tell me, if they can, one reason why it's a good show. I really, REALLY want to know if there is anything other that the lead females being fit that this show has going for it.

    (Apologies for rant! :-D)
  • I guess it wouldn't do for us all to be the same. I quite liked it but then I wasn't expecting cinematic whatever it was you said.

    The plots are a little thin and it doesn't really get interesting until the third or forth episode but it was more than enough to keep my attention, especially when the flashbacks start to fill in some of the gaps.

    I wouldn't be so bold as to tell others that their opinion is wrong, but I enjoyed it and have watched eleven of them now.
  • Anyone see Evolution on Sky 1 over the weekend. I was looking forward to this as the trailors had looked good, but unless I missed something it pretty much started off with the post apolocypse scenes with hardly any reference to what happened. |I tuned it off after 40 mins.........complete waste of time.

    Saw the double episode series opener the other night. I've got to say, on first impressions, this appears to be the most ridiculous, overhyped, lowest common denominator, 'cliffhanger every episode', trashy pile of crap that I've ever had the misfortune to waste 2 hours of my life on.
    It appears to have embraced everything that JJ Abrams got wrong with LOST and nothing that he got right. The plot revolves around electricity just not working, the explanation may yet come, but all we've had so far is a reference to 'changing the laws of physics' or something. Oh, that is, unless you've got a special, or maybe magic, necklace. Jesus wept.
    The fight scenes are so pathetic it made me embarrassed for the actors. The lead characters try desperately to look sincere without ever pulling it off, while anyone who is presumably supposed to be of romantic interest permanently try to look smouldering (if male) or pouty, yet independent and strong willed (if female). Oh, and that's before I've even got started on the fact that everyone, yes EVERYONE - even the obligatory 'geeky character' who comes with standard issue bushy beard and AC-DC tshirt, has a perfect haircut that any world famous hairdresser would be happy to have created. This despite the plot telling us that not only are the lead characters on the road and camping, but also there hasn't been any electricity for fifteen years. Presumably some genius has invented hair straighteners that are powered by bullshit.
    If that wasn't enough misplaced glamour for you, the final straw for me came when the lead characters crept up on a slave train, complete with scene setting collapsing slave being told by fellow slave to get up before the guard kills you. The fellow slave in this case being another beautiful, exotic glamour girl who appears not to have even broken a sweat on this slave drive, let alone ruined her make up, despite the poor fellow in front of her collapsing with exhaustion. At least she had the good grace to simply tie her hair up I suppose.
    There is nothing good about this show. There was potential for outstanding cinematography to show once great landmarks reduced to overgrown shadows of their former selves. They did this but it's done poorly - "oh look, there's Wrigley Field, oh look, there's a famous bridge, oh look there's, er, some market that you might know if you're from Chicago." It just wasn't done well.
    Oh yeah, nearly forgot. Towards the end of the second episode, they suddenly, for no apparent reason, started a flag waving exercise where a version of the US flag became a symbol of the resistance, Complete with generic bad guy ordering one burned. WTF? I can only imagine someone went charging into Abrams' trailer yelling "JJ, we have to do something - this show is such a steaming pile of faeces, we're going to get rinsed by the critics and nobody's going to enjoy it, what should we do?" To which Abrams replies: "No problem, stick a load of over the top patriotism in and the critics won't dare criticise for fear of being called un-american. That'll do it. Oh and don't worry about the public, they're idiots."

    I urge every human being to avoid this garbage. Actually, no I don't. I urge every free thinking human being to watch at least one episode and tell me, if they can, one reason why it's a good show. I really, REALLY want to know if there is anything other that the lead females being fit that this show has going for it.

    (Apologies for rant! :-D)
    Didn't get as far as you.
    I've aquired quite a talent for telling if something is going to be any good or not by the second lot of ad breaks.
    Turned this tripe off shortly after the first lot.

  • I'm glad it wasn't just me then !
  • I guess it wouldn't do for us all to be the same. I quite liked it but then I wasn't expecting cinematic whatever it was you said.

    The plots are a little thin and it doesn't really get interesting until the third or forth episode but it was more than enough to keep my attention, especially when the flashbacks start to fill in some of the gaps.

    I wouldn't be so bold as to tell others that their opinion is wrong, but I enjoyed it and have watched eleven of them now.

    I'm not sure if you're suggesting I'm telling people what to think.
    I'm not, it's just my personal opinion and review. However, I did consider, reflect on and review more than just "cinematic whatever". Truth be told, the cinematography was probably the least shit part of everything I wrote about.
    By all means, watch it and enjoy it. After all, you're right, we all like different things, but I didn't see anything in your response to suggest it's anything but poopoo.

  • I'm not sure if you're suggesting I'm telling people what to think.

    Not at all, I was just pointing out that I liked it but that I wouldn't expect anyone else to like something just because I did.

    I'm probably more of a Sci-Fi geek than most so I liked the post-apocalyptic scenario and maybe that kept me watching a little longer and until it got better.

  • I'm not sure if you're suggesting I'm telling people what to think.

    Not at all, I was just pointing out that I liked it but that I wouldn't expect anyone else to like something just because I did.

    I'm probably more of a Sci-Fi geek than most so I liked the post-apocalyptic scenario and maybe that kept me watching a little longer and until it got better.
    Fair enough. Enjoy! :-)
  • edited April 2013
    Oh yeah. I recently went back and watched Freaks and Geeks. What a show that was.
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  • edited April 2013

    Anyone think the walking dead's finale was a bit disappointing?

    No spoilers but I agree with you.
    Agreed too, was major disappointment they could have done much more.
  • "Revolution" I've yet to watch, but the GRIMM series gets better & better every week.
  • "Revolution" I've yet to watch, but the GRIMM series gets better & better every week.

    Yeah I like it too, did not expect too if I'm honest.
  • edited April 2013
    Golden age of tv isn't it? Hollywood is not making anywhere near as much films due to piracy so the majority of writers are coming into tv.

    I wonder when British television are going to catch up to this. American shows have writers rooms with as many as 14 people writing 20 episode seasons. Here we employ one or two writers for six episode seasons of varying quality. For your first sitcom you get paid around 4k per episode. Write a season in a year, 6x4= 24k before tax.

    Think I'd be pitching my show to US networks.

  • Vegas is pretty good. I think wheere they've got it right compared to something like Boardwalk is that each episode has a self contained narrative so you don't end up with vast hours of nothingness. Good acting too, though the guy out the Shield is basically doing the same thing.
    Agree with the comments about Revolution: hack.
    BBC3 mini series (not normally a good sign) In The Flesh was a really good twist on the usual zombie stuff. Set up for a welcome return, too.
    Louie is brilliant Curb Your Enthusiasm style comedy with one of the world's top comedians - good news we're three seasons behind here.

    Sons of Anarchy, well it's OK. The last couple of seasons have got back to doing what they do right, although the complete change in Jaxx's character from brains of the operation to cold blooded killer, is lazy writing. Anyone starting out watching it will be severely tested when they get to the Norn Ireland season, which is one of the most dismally stupid things ever seen.
  • Just finishing series 4 of Breaking Bad. I see series 5 is listed on Netflix, even though DVD is not released until June. Does this mean it is available to view on there now?

    If anyone subscribing to Netflix knows would be grateful to hear as would then do my free month subscription. Cheers
  • Still enjoying the Following.

    Have recorded all the Revolutions but not started yet. Not looking forward to it now.
  • Just finishing series 4 of Breaking Bad. I see series 5 is listed on Netflix, even though DVD is not released until June. Does this mean it is available to view on there now?

    If anyone subscribing to Netflix knows would be grateful to hear as would then do my free month subscription. Cheers

    I don't know for certain but I would imagine it is. However it'll only be half of the series @ present. Rest is due to be aired starting 14th July in the States.
  • Chunes said:

    Golden age of tv isn't it? Hollywood is not making anywhere near as much films due to piracy so the majority of writers are coming into tv.

    I wonder when British television are going to catch up to this. American shows have writers rooms with as many as 14 people writing 20 episode seasons. Here we employ one or two writers for six episode seasons of varying quality. For your first sitcom you get paid around 4k per episode. Write a season in a year, 6x4= 24k before tax.

    Think I'd be pitching my show to US networks.

    I would suggest you watch "Episodes" first... :-)
  • DA9DA9
    edited April 2013
    <blockquote class="Quote" rel="bolloxbolder">Just finishing series 4 of Breaking Bad. I see series 5 is listed on Netflix, even though DVD is not released until June. Does this mean it is available to view on there now?

    If anyone subscribing to Netflix knows would be grateful to hear as would then do my free month subscription. Cheers</blockquote>

    Yep, currently got the free month, got 4/8 episodes to watch, not sure how many in the series though, so not sure if is the full season.
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