Bloody typical, tune into 103.7fm and get some god awful pirate station playing crap dance toones! Called the station and they are looking into it. Rant over and back to work.
Apologies to anyone who couldn't catch the show on Sunday.
Yes we have a Pirate station problem in the outer edge of our transmission range, which hopefully Ofcom are going to sort out, but it's out of our hands I'm afraid.
As was the internet server going down at the most inopportune moment and on a Sunday when no-one is around to fix it!
Anyone who was in our tin can/string range, I hope you enjoyed it.
The could only afford 200 yards of string to put between the two tin cans.
Lol quality
Yes we have a Pirate station problem in the outer edge of our transmission range, which hopefully Ofcom are going to sort out, but it's out of our hands I'm afraid.
As was the internet server going down at the most inopportune moment and on a Sunday when no-one is around to fix it!
Anyone who was in our tin can/string range, I hope you enjoyed it.
Richard who?
Good to find out who KBlittlesis is as well.
Let me know if and when you want me on again.