Looking on ebay etc. for a fabric Charlton Athletic badge, but came up empty, anyone on here know where I can get such a thing? I would like one to sew onto a bag along with a load of other badges I have picked up on my travels, but I have never found a suitable one to show my love for Charlton. Either the current badge or a retro inspired patch will do!
I still have it somewhere and I'd post you it if only I knew where it was! Sorry Sam.
The two badges Beds posted will probably have to do for now, but I will still be on the lookout.
I remember seeing a 'I LOVE NY' style one a few years ago but I cannot remember if it was in the club shop, online, or on a stall outside the ground
Will have a check over the weekend as I'm pretty much on the piss till then, can't guarantee I have but if I do you can have it
Have you found any yet?
The only one I could find was https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/198825975/charlton-athletic-fc-english-england?ref=sr_gallery_1&ga_search_query=charlton+badge&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery
Decided to look for a cheap shirt etc. instead and cut it out
Will let you know if I spot anything else