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Hand Foot and Mouth

edited May 2012 in Not Sports Related
not to be confused with foot and mouth

anybody's kids had it?

Both of my twins have it and now have given it to me , unusual in adults apparently . Proper nasty stuff


  • I seem to remember my kids had it and I think my brother got it too. People assume you're going to die, but I don't think it's all that bad. The kids have to stay off school, I seem to remember.
  • Yes, little fella had it a year or so ago. Very contagious apparently.
  • edited May 2012
    mine are only 14 months so it's all quite confusing for them.

    I felt ill yesterday so had the day off today but I'm now struggling to even type this as my hands are so sore

    Worst thing is there really is nothing you can do for it. I've got sore hands and head plus a temperature and sore throat
  • Has you got the little blisters everywhere? It's horrible for them, Ollie had them all on the inside of his mouth.
  • Yes, little fella had it a year or so ago. Very contagious apparently.
    I hope you're talking about a child.
  • Got them on my hands and head. Kids had them hands and feet and inside their mouths. He's got over the worst and almost the same for her. NHS direct website says symptoms are short lasting and mild!!
  • Hope you're all better soon mate.
  • Cheers mate
  • Me too, sounds rotten. One of my mates younglings had it and passed it round the family.
  • Sounds horrible mate, hope you and the little ones are better soon!
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  • Now you've bought back some memories; I'm pretty sure I had it as a kid. I remember going to the doctors; but thats about all I can remember!
  • I've woken this morning and it's worse than ever , hands are so sore I can't even pick up a tv remote!

    Hopefully this is the worst of it and I'll start improving tomorrow.
  • Yep had it turn of the year. Our 4 year old was in floods of tears saying his mouth hurt, because we couldn't see anything, we didn't think anything was wrong. Then I got it, it felt like my teeth were going to fall out, I couldn't bite for 2 days. The doctor gave me some steroids which cleared it up very quickly, but made my eyes weep constantly. Get some bonjela, that was great too, we never had any problems with our hands, just little blisters. It's horrible.
  • My son had it last year. Its a bit like chicken pox. I remember alot of sleepless nights as a result of it.
  • I remember that this was the one 'childhood' illness that really knocked my hubby flat. He had a very high temperature ( 104) and the pain in his mouth from the blistering ( and other very private areas!) was horrible for him. As I recall, an endless supply of those frozen milk lollies eased the mouth discomfort as did ice cubes. It lasted about two weeks but was only really bad for 4 days ( and nights ). It sounds as though you are going to be one of the unlucky ones, poor old you.
  • My son had it aged about 2. Nasty whilst it's there, we got through with lots of ice lollies as I recall.
  • My girlfriend is off work this week due to Hand Foot and Mouth. She is fine, just a bit spotty
  • My Son had it last year too, not a nice experience and as you say very confusing for them!
  • Wow, I have never heard of this. Will have to keep an eye out for this on my littlun.
  • the good old NHS direct website says the symptons are "short lasting" and "mild"

    I can tell you they are anything but mild . Everytime I go to the loo obviously I have to wash my hands afterwards. This causes my hands to feel like they are burning for about half an hour after.
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  • Sounds horrible.

    Hope it eases soon for you and your kids.
  • I am amazed after reading this thread...............plaaayer has kids! :-)
  • edited May 2012
    Only one that I actually know about.
  • edited May 2012
  • Probably more than I actually know about.
    Lol, I walked into that one
  • Not only have my two little granddaughters had it Buckshee but they gave it to me as well! It is unpleasant but nothing else I git some small ablisters on the three described areas and had a sore throat. All went after 3-4 days just took copious amounts of Paracetamol to be honest I woas a lot worse with it than they were.
  • At the moment my hands are so sore I can't even open a door or pick up a knife and fork. Keep tellling myself I'm over the worse but somehow feel maybe I'm not
  • Brothers youngest diagnosed with it yesterday, nothing much you can take, just let it run its cause apparently..
  • buckshee have you been given anything to ease the pain? My daughter got blisters but didn't seem to be in any pain with it, but it sounds like my wife had something similar to you. It calmed down after about a week but she was plastering her hands with steroid cream and wearing cotton gloves to protect them. Hope it clears up for you soon.
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