Hartlepool substitution: Paul Murray replaced by James Poole
Danny Haynes(Charlton) caught offside. Charlton substitution: Bradley Wright-Phillips replaced by Jason Euell (tactical). Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Darren Holden(Hartlepool) from own half, resulting in open play.
Danny Haynes(Charlton) caught offside. Charlton substitution: Bradley Wright-Phillips replaced by Jason Euell (tactical). Indirect free kick taken left-footed by Darren Holden(Hartlepool) from own half, resulting in open play.
Defending throw-in by Chris Solly(Charlton).
Attacking throw-in by Andy Monkhouse(Hartlepool).
Goal by Gary Liddle(Hartlepool) right-footed (top-right of goal) from centre of penalty area (18 yards).Charlton 3-2 Hartlepool.
Attacking throw-in by Neil Austin(Hartlepool).
Attacking throw-in by Yann Kermorgant(Charlton).
Attacking throw-in by Jason Euell(Charlton).
Goal kick taken long by Scott Flinders(Hartlepool).
Attacking throw-in by Darren Holden(Hartlepool).
Cross by Andy Monkhouse(Hartlepool), resulting in open play.
Shot by Chris Solly(Charlton) left-footed from right channel (20 yards), over the bar.
Goal kick taken long by Scott Flinders(Hartlepool).