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Trip to LA

Hi all, i have a business trip to LA the week after next, have Saturday night, all day Sunday and most of Wednesday as "free time". Any suggestions of places to go to avoid spending all day in the bars... Thanks


  • The Getty Museum is great if the weather is nice; lots of art stuff but also great views over the whole of LA. Disneyland is better than it used to be, with new rides etc, and the Hollywood sign is a good photo opp. if you can find your way up to it.
  • Go watch the LA Dodgers, sit in the sun, having a beer, watching a game.
  • The title of this thread reminds me of a joke played by David 'Bumble' Lloyd on, I think, Shane Warne when Warne was saying where he had recently visited.
    Lloyd: 'I've just come back from LA'
    Warne: 'Los Angeles?'
    Lloyd: 'No, Lower Accrington'

    There was a stunned silence before Warne realised Lloyd was taking the piss.
  • personally like the beach areas - Santa Monica or Venice but havent been for a few year s
  • Santa Monica definitely worth a visit
  • GO DO ONE!!!........personally i dont care as my business trips usually take me no further than the burger bar at the end of the road!!!! Seriously, enjoy it Chris and dont forget my prezzie...
  • The aquarium at Long Beach is great, and the best day out we had was Universal Studios, great fun.
  • Read this thread chris. Doesnt tell you what to do just mainly what people thought...
  • Griffith Observatory - interesting if you like that sort of thing, great architecture, views of the city and Hollywood sign
    LA Zoo - if you're into zoos it's a pretty good one
    Universal Studios - not too expensive and has a good mix of rides, Shrek 4D, Waterworld 4D and Terminator 4D are cool and the studio tour is good - King Kong 4D is amazing.
    Santa Monica beach/pier/shopping area is all cool. Venice is a bit of a let down in my opinion.
    if you're feeling homesick and missing Yates Wine Lodge go to the Saddle Ranch on Sunset
    House of Blues on Sunset has good gigs on normally - or the Rainbow. Lots of good comedy clubs around there.
    If you have a hire car then there are loads of interesting places you can go within an hours drive - up into the hills, out to the Mojave desert and the airplane graveyard...
    If you like mountain biking hire a bike and go up into the hills, some friends of mine love the trails up there
    In Santa Monica go to Ye Olde Kings Head on Santa Monica Blvd and bump into Vinnie Jones...

    ... just a few ideas... :)
  • Yoshemite
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  • Say yo to Dre from me
  • go gang-bangin'
  • Venice beach and Santa Monica are awesome beaches, Venice is pretty much like camden town, but on a beach. Check out Hollywood boulevard, but you only really need to be there an afternoon to get a feel for the weirdness of it all and want to leave.

    Have an absolute blast, LA and southern california generally are filled with beautiful women and sunshine. As for Yosemite, it's a while away from LA (a days drive) so I wouldn't spend time there unless you were actually going on a full on 2 week holiday there.
  • Oh I also forgot the Body Shop on Sunset Blvd. ;)
  • There is another thread on this .. filled with good (and bad) advice
  • Yoshemite
    Bless you
  • thanks for all your comments and suggestions, have also found the other thread thanks Curb_it.
    LA has to be a lot better than some of the places i have had to go to, so will find somewhere good to go!
  • The new edition of 442 has a feature LA Galaxy and places to go in LA
  • Queen Mary is worth a visit down at Long Beach. Hollywood Boulevard is tacky but worth half a day. So much we wanted to see but we didn't hire a car so couldn't get about much.
  • Having a fantastic time! Working hard and enjoying the evenings.....
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  • One of the lesser known museums is the George C Page , La Brea Discoveries ( Wilshere Boulevard) where over 3 million Ice Age fossils can be viewed. This is the only consistently active urban Ice Age excavation site in the world.

    Fossils and skeletal bones have been excavated from the tar pits from animals /birds trapped in the asphalt in the area from 11-50,000 years ago and work which can be viewed live, is ongoing. Reconstructing a recently discovered Columbian mammoth is one of the current projects but sabre toothed tigers among many other species are exhibited.

    It's a truly fascinating museum, the likes of which you will find nowhere else in the world and is as much for adults as children. The American friend who took us in 1989 calls it the best kept secret of LA....

    Oh and you'll soon understand how the creatures became entrapped when you walk the "sidewalks" by the museum and see for yourself, the black "tar" bubbling up from cracks in the pavement.
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