Many thanks to the 25 Lifers who could remember enough of the match to give marks, here are the stats:

The address is: problems viewing please give details and hopefully Lookout can sort it out !
Green 25 started with 7 assists an 3 goals
Much of a muchness.
One of them is Cort v Yeovil whose mark isn't in red
In fact Waggy's record is slightly better, a goal or assist every other start.
Be interesting to see what Powell decides on for RM next season.
Waggy for me has the better all round game and more likely to fulfil the potential they have.
We are unconvincing with both Green and Stephens in the team and of the two I think Stephens is more likely to step up.
Clearly Green is the better crosser and set piece taker, but he's not much better at taking on full backs than Waggy. Doesn't have the pace and I can't remember him beating anyone with a bit of skill? Waggy is also the better goalscorer and stronger defensively.