Horrific. Always makes me think, if fit footballers on super diets and health regimes get ill, what hope have any of us got. Scary.
I think the blunt fact is that either it's in the genes or not almost regardless of what you do. The best you can hope for is a reduction in the probability via lifestyle if you are susceptible.
Sad news indeed, I sincerely hope the lad responds well to treatment like SuperYann did as a teenager. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he doesn't telephone him with words of encouragement and support.
Horrific. Always makes me think, if fit footballers on super diets and health regimes get ill, what hope have any of us got. Scary.
Leukaemia is caused by the bone marrow producing abnormal white blood cells, what happens is that these cells do not reach maturity but they don't die. Effectively they crowd out the good and working white blood cells and stop them from working. It's as likely to happen to a fit sportsperson as anyone else, as with other cancers it can be caused by exposure to radiation and other causes it seems that many cases of leukaemia occur naturally or at least the cause is unknown.
The good thing about Stiliyan Petrov is that it was spotted early but he has the acute variety which attacks the body quickly, all the more important that he was diagnosed speedily.
Scary stuff! So many horrific forms of cancer - it certainly seems like more people get it or is it that we are better at diagnosing now? I don't know, but certainly chances aren't so good right now!
Scary stuff! So many horrific forms of cancer - it certainly seems like more people get it or is it that we are better at diagnosing now? I don't know, but certainly chances aren't so good right now!
The overall survival rates are good and getting better - around 60% live for at least one year from diagnosis, but that includes some types where the survival rate is much higher and some where they are very low and of course it depends on the stage of diagnosis and sometimes on sheer good or bad luck.
Unfortunately he has contracted acute myeloid leukaemia, survival rates for this are lower than average - only around 45% survive for five years.
Don't think I'd have recognised him, lets hope he's on the road to recovery now. Villa have certainly missed him, not that football is important relative to this.
Overall I'd rather not know I think.
Best wishes Stilyan
The good thing about Stiliyan Petrov is that it was spotted early but he has the acute variety which attacks the body quickly, all the more important that he was diagnosed speedily.
Unfortunately he has contracted acute myeloid leukaemia, survival rates for this are lower than average - only around 45% survive for five years.
Finger crossed for Stan for a speedy recovery