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**Shirt Sponsorship Prize Draw - List of winners on Page 2**



  • MIA i'm happy with the 2 to give em to my boys
  • Fair do's mate.
  • So I didn't win then!! Oh well better luck next year......that's when I'll win our new player Messi's shirt!! ;-)
  • Well Done and thanks Curbit.
  • cheers oohahh
  • Well done to all the winners and thanks to Curb_it for all the hard work.

    As a loser who witnessed it I can confirm that the draw was completely legit if anyone is actually being serious!
    You say the draw was legit and fair. You don't come from Yorkshire, do you?
  • Im not sure what is a fairer way to do it then as i can see a few are quite disappointed by not winning. Ive never had my name drawn by the way.

  • Wow very happy with a seat at Dale Stephens table, but if anyone who won a shirt would rather go to the dinner, I am happy to do a swap.
  • You did a great job Curb_It.

    I am amazed you managed to get it done considering you have us to deal with!


  • Im not sure what is a fairer way to do it then as i can see a few are quite disappointed by not winning. Ive never had my name drawn by the way.

    I don't think there's a need to change the way things work. You've done a great job Curb_it. Well done.

    When do we start next seasons sponsorship collection?


  • Sponsored links:

  • Im not sure what is a fairer way to do it then as i can see a few are quite disappointed by not winning. Ive never had my name drawn by the way.

    I don't think there's a need to change the way things work. You've done a great job Curb_it. Well done.

    Agreed, much better than the last bloke

    When do we start next seasons sponsorship collection?

    Give the lass a break, anyway we'll have another 20 players to choose from next September! : - )

  • I look forward to meeting CWalshsLChild and Badger at Johnnie J's table- I'm his training kit sponsor on behalf of :-)
  • Ive got the joy of dispensing prizes first, no doubt some will start hassling me for them. Tho you cant have the shirts until after the dinner.
  • Im not sure what is a fairer way to do it then as i can see a few are quite disappointed by not winning. Ive never had my name drawn by the way.

    There is no need to change your system, it is fair and is seen to be fair. Ok those of us that didn't win are disappointed, but that is just a natural feeling and not a criticism of the system
  • Maybe more smaller prizes like last year would help.
  • That wouldnt help me - thats even more work.

    Does anyone really care about the other prizes, its mainly the dinner and shirts that people are after.
  • It's liking buying a raffle ticket.

    99 times out of 100 you don't win so what's the problem?

    We've helped the Club. Anything else is a bonus.
  • Maybe more smaller prizes like last year would help.
    That's not really the primary reason for it though. The primary reason is to help raise additional funds to benefit the club and to fill player sponsorships. The chance of winning a prize should be an additional incentive for people to get involved.

    There were 33 prizes on offer this year, which is an incredible amount, and everyone has an equal chance of winning. Which is why for example, i've participated in it every year and never won a prize, yet someone else has won three years in the row. That's how a fair draw goes.


    Thanks once again to everyone who participated in this, and i know the club are also extremely grateful for the support we have managed to provide.

    A special thanks however to Curb It, who does a fantastic job having to organise it, chase people etc

  • Im not sure what is a fairer way to do it then as i can see a few are quite disappointed by not winning. Ive never had my name drawn by the way.

    There is no need to change your system, it is fair and is seen to be fair. Ok those of us that didn't win are disappointed, but that is just a natural feeling and not a criticism of the system
    Like many others i was dissapointed not to pick up a prize for the fourth year on the spin, but it's a raffle, so like everyone else i have no divine right to be given a prize. My feelings are the same as Lancashire lad in general.

    Can i make a couple of suggestions if this is run again next season.

    1) If your name gets pulled out to win a prize, and then your name gets pulled out again in the same draw (eg: Ooh ahh, picking up 3 shirts), then that ticket should be torn up, and another name pulled out of the hat. That way there is more chance of different people picking up a prize.

    2) This suggestion may cause some issues, but here goes. If you are lucky enough to be picked out for a sponsorship dinner prize this year, then next year your name is put in the hat to win a prize, but not a dinner prize. The only downside on this suggestion could be, that people who won a dinner prize this year, will think stuff that, i won't bother putting £20 in then.

    Finally, Well done to all the winners and to Curb It for running the thankless task of collecting all the money and liasing with the club.

  • there is a god , the nice people win all the prizes all the time FACT

  • Sponsored links:

  • i'm happy doing whatever suits the masses but if you put more sponsorship in then you should have more chance of winning , that's fair isn't it ?

    i don't know if that happens or whatever and i'm not sure what i put in anyway but the whole reason for doing it isn't the prizes , as said above , it's to support the club and obviously that's easy as a habitual winner to say that ;-)
  • You put in 100 oohahh so you're name went in 10 times. Thats fair enough as far as Im concerned, you put your money where your mouth is and is appreciated.

  • Can i make a couple of suggestions if this is run again next season.

    1) If your name gets pulled out to win a prize, and then your name gets pulled out again in the same draw (eg: Ooh ahh, picking up 3 shirts), then that ticket should be torn up, and another name pulled out of the hat. That way there is more chance of different people picking up a prize.

    Shirts, we made it clear in the opening post for the Sponsorship 2011/12 thread, on how people are entered in the draw:

    'If you are able to contribute £20 towards the sponsorship, you will be entered twice into the April prize-winning draw. If you can contribute £10, you will be entered once. If you wish to contribute more you are more than welcome and will be entered in the draw accordingly.'

    A number of people were generous enough to contribute more than the suggested amounts, sometimes when we were in a position were we were at an inbetween amount short of sponsoring an additional shirt, and they made it up the shortfall. It is only fair in our eyes they get entered accordingly.

    Last year, 25 of the 103 who who contributed won a prize. As we had more contributors this year, we did what we can to stretch out additional prizes and got it up to 33 to maintain a similar ratio. The reality is however, around 3/4 of the people who enter won't win a prize, and that is coupled with the fact that the value of the prizes are considerably more than what the average person contributes.

    As for the draw, it was witnessed by around 25 lifers, the majority of which never won a thing. It was well flagged so that everyone who wanted to had the opportunity to come along.

    I personally think we have the balance currently about right. Yes, its disappointing when you don't win anything,but i don't really see a logical way of changing the status quo that's not going to take even more effort than it already does.

  • there is a god , the nice people win all the prizes all the time FACT

    I agree, and this year I will go to the ball, or dinner or whatever. Last year I had to duck out of the dinner but as Curb_it must really, really want to meet me, my name was pulled out again.

    Well done Curb_it, and thanks for all your efforts

  • I'm massively looking forward to going to the dinner, and especially getting Chris Solly's table, so huge thanks to Curb it for doing the dirty work of organising it again.

    From those who went last year, what kind of evening can you expect, and what's the dress code?
  • You need a tux. I warned him on Saturday about you as well.
  • Not wonky glasses?
  • Cardigan
  • Great draw, we can't all win, how about a CL badge for all those that didn't ;o)
  • Curb it , sounds like a lot of hassle and aggro for you , i understand we can't all win , thankyou for doing it , hope the club raised a tidy sum out of it.
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