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Garth Crooks

The most annoying pundit ever? I even prefer Steve Claridge.


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    Can't stand the bloke. Not sure if I prefer Claridge though..............................
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    Charlton top scorer 87/88, bit of respect please.

    Though you are right he does talk for Britain.
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    I really like the guy.
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    Always liked Crooks as a player ... as a pundit, its just plain weird its like hes putting sooo much focus into what hes saying it comes out all wrong...

    He puts gravity on words and phrases that arent important ...
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    I know Brighty was one of ours and I really like the guy, even spoke to him on the phone once and had a lovely chat about Charlton. But he's not a great presenter and doesn't seem to improve with time. He did do a great interview with SCP that was on the Late Kick Off (only time I've ever said anything good about that show!), but that was more down to banter and him knowing Chris etc
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    Agree with what mascot said
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    Yes, some of us remember him as a good player for us- A bit of respect IS required.
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    I've never seen the bloke laugh. Whenever another pundit cracks a joke or try's to have a laugh, Garth goes into an even more serious mode than normal. Lighten up pal.
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    edited February 2012
    Garth was great for us, played in the original play off final. Saw him score up at St James Park when we won.

    As a journo, tries to be too earnest and prattles out 50 words when a few will do.

    Bit like some on here....
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    edited February 2012

    Scored first Charlton goal I ever saw!
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    ....and memorably punched one in against Norwich at Smelhurst Park in 1988/89!
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    He's good company and a likeable fella IMHO.
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    Good player, am sure he is a decent bloke, but, as has already been said, just tries a bit too hard. All the serious words, emotional shaking of the head and over the top dramatics just don't seem to be natural. It just seems a bit false, as if its an act, which to me means that it just becomes a bit annoying.
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    Was at leeds away he stood up to them on the field and walking off man was a quite a hard bastard
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    I'd prefer listening to a week old dog turd than Claridge. How can you say that?
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    Was at leeds away he stood up to them on the field and walking off man was a quite a hard bastard
    Very true.............he was/is a tough little bugger and that night at St Andrews he took one hell of a battering but didn't get involved in any recriminations or whinging, he just got his head down and did what he had to do on the night...a very good pro.

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    Never laugh - not sure I can agree with that whenever I watch it he seems spend half of Final Score laughing at himself. He may not be the greatest pundit (who is?) but he displays a natural good humour, does not take himself too seriously, clearly has some idea of what he is talking about and shows a real sense of enthusiasm. He is eminently more watchable than most.

    He is a really decent guy, one of my customers (about 30yrs ago) was his agent back in his playing days. Garth was always ready to give his time to a good football cause and endlessly in demand for junior club presentations and dinners. A really likeable bloke he was a very good player who though clearly past his best due to his injuries did very well for us.
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    Did a bloody good job for us, scoring some important goals along the way.

    Does anyone remember us thinking of signing Archibald when we had him? I seem to think we did but can't be sure.
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    When he's interviewing a player or manager it often reminds me of the time when I met the funeral directors to discuss a cremation!
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    Charlton top scorer 87/88, bit of respect please.

    funny how the BBC never mention his time at Charlton

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    There was a Q&A with him, Lennie and I think Walshy in Greenwich years back and he was good value. Was crying with laughter at Paul Miller's antics.
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    Charlton top scorer 87/88, bit of respect please.

    funny how the BBC never mention his time at Charlton

    Funny how he never does
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    ON TV he does like to portray an idiosyncratic image on the box but he showed good charcter on the pitch for cafc ,a good lennie signing for sure

    Incidentally have met Paul Miller a number of times and he is a real character ,very good company ...i can see how he would have kept GC and many others amused !
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    Yes, some of us remember him as a good player for us- A bit of respect IS required.
    Who's being disrespectful? Just because he got paid to wear our shirt doesn't make his lack of journo skills anymore bareable.
    Charlton top scorer 87/88, bit of respect please.

    funny how the BBC never mention his time at Charlton

    Funny how he never does either.....................................
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    ^ exactly what I always say
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    Tell you what if you don't like him - don't watch him
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    Top man in my opinion ,liked him a lot as a player although a bit injury prone when he played for us . He kept us up in 87/88 with his goals as his return from injury coincided with a return to form for us that year . He played both at St Andrews and in the Battle Of The Bridge .

    To be fair he has mentioned us in the past ,he attended the ten year celebration of the St Andrews Play Off and wasn't he on the BBC Radio London commentary team when we won the Play Offs against Sunderland celebrating our promotion to the Prem ?
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    Tell you what if you don't like him - don't watch him

    I dont, I watch a show about football
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    He was good for us, and I respect and like him for that. Don't care about football punditry.
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    I'm torn with Garth, I like him. Like his finger pinch, and Shrek head lean towards camera to emphasise a point. As for what he's saying, apart from small-eye-bulge intensity, it's nearly always ineloquent pithy pointless drivel. He sounds like he should be making intelligent sense, but his sentences have little coherent insight.
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