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edited February 2012 in Not Sports Related
Having signed my first one today I did a little bit of research on Government e-petitions. Basically if you an issue that falls under the responsibility of the government then you can get it eligable to be debated in parliament as long as you get 100,000+ signatures.
On the website you can see all the current ones that are collecting sigs. You can request up to 12 months to get sufficient names.
The most interesting thing to me were petitions, that if you believed the tabloid press, would have got enough endorsements easily. The obvious one to me being a debate on Capital Punishment. This issue is constantly discussed on TV and radio shows. We are always being shown polls that 75%+ of the electorate would be in favour given a referendum. However this has only attracted 3,830 signatures so far.
Other classics are referendums on EU, National Service and legalisation of cannabis.
You can start your own quite easily as long as there is not one on there already covering your topic. Also they have to under the control of the government so Blackburn fans can't start a petition to get rid of Steve Kean etc.
Two interesting ones on Mrs Thatcher's funeral a) She shouldn't have a State one b) Her funeral should be paid for by the private sector.
Anyway I've started one and am waiting for it to be approved.


  • Have a read of the comments on the closed one and you will soon change you mind on how useful they are. Once it goes over 100,000 it is refered to a back bench committee who progress it. This 'progression' includes a debate which no-one attends and then the government make a statement about how they are alreayd doing everything they can on the issue and it actually isn't a problem after all.

    Typical ones that got over 100,000 include the petiton to make financial education a compulsory part of the school curriculum.
    Totally sensible right?
    Well apparently it already happens but the governement are reviewing education.
    And that's an end to it.

    Convicted London rioters should loose all benefits.
    It already happens whilst benefit claiments are remanded in custody and we might look at extending this in the future.
    And that's an end to it.

    In short nothing acheived, just an opportunity for the public to think they have a voice.
  • You have to have a dream!
  • Here is an update on my proposed e-petition:-

    Dear Chirpy,

    Your e-petition "Scrap Parent and Child Parking Bays" hasn't been accepted.

    E-petitions cannot be used to request action on issues that are outside the responsibility of the government. This includes:

    Party political material
    Commercial endorsements including the promotion of any product, service or publication
    Issues that are dealt with by devolved bodies, eg The Scottish Parliament
    Correspondence on personal issues
    E-petitions cannot be used for freedom of information requests.

    This is a matter for the supermarkets.

    View your rejected e-petition

    If you'd like to submit a new e-petition, please read the site's terms and conditions which explain the rules in detail.


    HM Government e-petitions
  • Can we ask what your reasons are for wanting parent and child spaces scrapped?
  • He's a Jaffa.
  • Can we ask what your reasons are for wanting parent and child spaces scrapped?
    It's all on there.
  • Did you really believe parking spaces for parents and children was a matter of legislation?
  • Can we ask what your reasons are for wanting parent and child spaces scrapped?
    It's all on there.
    Where is there? Your petition was disallowed, so it isn't on the epetition site, or have I missed something?

  • Sorry, here is mine.

    @DRF I voted for this government, I want my voice heard.
  • Ok Chirpy, one question for you. Do you have kids?
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    edited February 2012
    Taking your wind ups to a whole new level now Chirps!
  • Sorry, here is mine.

    @DRF I voted for this government, I want my voice heard.
    Lucky git. I never got an option for the coalition on my ballot paper.

  • Ok but just one question John - Yes 2. Although they are teenagers.
  • What makes you think this Goverment is a coalition?
  • What makes you think this Goverment is a coalition?
    It's what the bigger boys told me at work.

  • @WSS Yes, but look how long it's bloody taken!
  • edited February 2012
    Taking your wind ups to a whole new level now Chirps!
    Clearly got too much time on his hands.
  • ha, good one chirps :-) Lets go for 'stop giving medicine to the sick' next time !

    I hope next time i'm in an Eltham car park and there are no parent and child bays, its the car door of your Capri i smash into trying to fit one of my little un's into their car seat because there is only about 20 inches gap between cars :-)
  • There were none of them when my kids were small and I managed......
  • He's a Jaffa.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Surely just buy a BMW or Merc then you can park exactly where you wish.
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