There is someone going on the wendies forum bigging it up again - it makes me cringe.
There is still a lot of football to be played, and although seeing our competitors throwing their toys out of the pram because they haven't caught us might be entertaining, we haven't been promoted yet.
Hopefully we can have an epic gloat in May, but until then......keep it to yourself!
What is said on a forum, on Twitter or to mates in a pub does not affect football match results.
Not my style but I don't get wound up about it. For the first time in years we are in a position to gloat, however long it may last, it's nice to have that option!
wow you guys must lead really interesting lives, i know we haven't played in a couple of weeks but i swear everyone on here is starting to lose the plot, i hope the game is on tomorrow for all your sakes.
There is someone going on the wendies forum bigging it up again - it makes me cringe.
There is still a lot of football to be played, and although seeing our competitors throwing their toys out of the pram because they haven't caught us might be entertaining, we haven't been promoted yet.
Hopefully we can have an epic gloat in May, but until then......keep it to yourself!
Not my style but I don't get wound up about it. For the first time in years we are in a position to gloat, however long it may last, it's nice to have that option!
A little more respect is all I ask.
Spurs v Geordies one after the other. Pissed and divorced.
The bad times with CAFC will always outweigh the good times, so make the most of the good times.
Easy to play. If you spot the use of the word on CL first you get a point. Just inbox plaaayer if you want to join in.
Also i should be I.
Most I avoid and let the young whipper-snappers like Bexley Dan have a go. : - )