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Why do women

edited January 2012 in Not Sports Related
waste our time by constantly moving things to different places?

You get used to looking for something in one place and, without warning or any form of consultation, they decide to change where things are put! It happens at work and at home.

I think it's a power thing so they can tell us how inadequate we are.


  • Nope. It's because men always put things in the wrong place. You just don't realise it. It's a power we have.
  • I've been living with my gf now for nearly 2 yrs and we solved the problem by me having my own corner which has all my stuff in chaotic piles.... However, typing that ive now realised that she's solves the problem by essentially banishing me to a corner....

    Looks like another classic tuesday night argument, cheers Len
  • Get them a job in Tescos Len. In our local one everything changes place on at least a weekly basis and sometimes a daily one. But I know exactly what you mean and I gave up long ago trying to persuade 'she who must...' that if it must happen to try and keep it down to say just once a year, but to no avail.
  • If you feel inadequate len there's places you can get treated for that..
  • Too old and been married too long for all that nonsense Curb_it :-)
  • I know the feeling Len, i spend 20 minutes looking for something because its been moved. I knew where it was, it was on the floor like most things i leave. If it had stayed there, there wouldn't have been an issue....
  • my other half moans that im in the way when she's cooking even if im just getting a drink yet as soon as im cooking she wants to help/get involved/tidy up around me (even starts washing stuff that im still using) but she's "just trying to help" and i'm just getting in her way for the sake of it.
  • +1 for a corner.
  • I was going crazy a while ago saying that my ST had been moved and spent the next 30 mins looking round for it before remembering that I had given it to @MCS a couple of weeks before.

    I still have never owned up.
  • Its because men never bother to look for things, they just ask the Missus where it is. So it makes sense that things should be put where a woman knows where they are because then at least one of you will know where your glasses, newspaper, slippers, book etc are.
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  • edited January 2012

    I suffer from that too but can sort of understand the need to "put things away" even though it's annoying. What I'm referring to though is going to the drawer or cupboard something is meant to be in only to find that it isn't anymore!

    One of my "jobs" is the rubbish and I will be in trouble tonight because the recycling sacks are no longer in the usual drawer therefore, having wasted 15 minutes vainly looking for them this morning, I gave up and there isn't a new one out as there should be!
  • @LenGlover

    Now we get to the route of the problem. The bin bags did not jump up and say 'here I am' when you went to get them this morning!
    And when you say you spent 15 minutes 'looking' were you simply staring at the draw waiting for a signal from the bags or did you attempt to actually move anything?!!
  • but they never remember where they moved it too. Then whatever you are looking for is lost forever. like a domestic bermuda triangle.
  • + 1 for the rubbish.
  • @ValleyGary Does your missus always ask you where she last left her homework or her P.E. kit?
  • a pair of my cufflinks have gone missing and i'm not aloud to go through her stuff but she is sure they'll turn up and has an idea where they might be.
  • I find it all again when she makes me do the its no problem, is it dear? see, she agrees, so we are okay? yes we are..I am in charge
  • edited January 2012

    She tidied the drawers while I was at football on Saturday and I can guarantee I will get a bo**o**ing for messing them up tonight!

    Hopefully that answers your question!
  • why do they move it then when you ask them where it is do they let you search for it for 20 mins getting really annoyed because you know where you left it. Then after 20 mins of you swearingand routing through evrey draw in the house they get up from the sofa and go to exactly where it is?
  • @plaaayer you know what these messy teenagers are like.
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  • my other half moans that im in the way when she's cooking even if im just getting a drink yet as soon as im cooking she wants to help/get involved/tidy up around me (even starts washing stuff that im still using) but she's "just trying to help" and i'm just getting in her way for the sake of it.

    I'm starting to think my wife must be moonlighting as you've just described her to a tee!

    The one that really got me was that when we first moved into our new house last year I put my deodorant, aftershave etc on the bathroom windowsill. I then noticed that they got rather hot as it's basically south-facing, so I moved them onto the corner of the bath underneath the window, My wife spent the next few months moving them back onto the windowsill every sodding day! Did she think they miraculously fell off the windowsill every day and landed the right way up, neatly arranged on the bath?
  • @Florida_Addick You remind me of the guy out of 'Lars and the real girl'

  • My other half has a great habit of tidying up the kitchen when im out, but everytime I get something out of the freezer to defrost, like a pack of mince for shep pie, I will come home in the evening to find it has been 'tidied' back into the freezer. I leave notes, I tell her to leave it but to no avail! Then she complains when dinner isnt ready until late!
  • If she has refrozen defrosted mince she'd surely not do it again as im sure the after effects wouldnt be nice!
  • What a coincidence - my wife has just produced some documents that she had put away somewhere but thought I had lost!
  • edited January 2012
    @Curb_it If she has refrozen defrosted mince she'd surely not do it again as im sure the after effects wouldnt be nice!
    I don't think it ever has the time to defrost!
  • My missus calls me Nanny McFee. She says I'm always around when I'm not needed and never around when I am needed. It's a gift I tell her.
  • If it wasn't for my wife, I'd never find anything! Keys, phones, important letters, tickets, you name it, I've managed to mislay it.
  • Men can never find anything even when things haven't been moved! In my office which is mainly women, we call it a 'man look'. We women can usually find things that a man can't.
  • You are missing an opportunity here lads, I flatter my wife about how she never loses anything, and then give her my important stuff to look after. The girls love a bit of flattery, done properly you can get away with murder.
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