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Gypsy Blood



  • Always ond that has to pull the racism card.

    Agree with @ValleyGary about those kids boxing being child abuse. The kid fell down, cracked his head on the floor an he just pulled him back up to get on with it.
  • must have been "casual racism" when the Pikeys use to mug us every day at school ---not their own of course ---its just their "culture" dont you know !!

    I think they are SCUM ---- must be the 6 months of being robbed and having the shit kicked out of me when i was 12 that has a tad to do with my opinion. Casual Racism ? stick it up your twaddling arse.

  • "Bred to Fight ????? ---- make me laugh"

    Oh so telling your son your gonna beat him if he quits in a fight is the norm yeah?

  • just saying, remove the word "pikey" or "gypsy" with "blacks" or "jews" or what have you and it would look horrible.

    No wonder they all walk around with a massive chip on their shoulder.
  • People of violence are scum. Has nothing to do with race or culture.
  • Kent said "Those that think its just like my big fat gypsy wedding and other things completely didn't get it. Yes, there were a lot of illegal activities but I found it fascinating how they create and live in a bubble. It's like the mafia or something, living their lives within their own rules." half of which I agree wth the other half I very much take a different view.

    In fairness this community's had pretty good PR out of the BFGW series, the Dale Farm eviction and that one on Big Brother. They come across as a bit rogue'ish with an absence of any taste but basically God fearing, family orientated people who just happen live on the margins of society and struggle to intergrate with the mainstream.

    Last night's was a much, much more realistic insight into how this part of society operates and is based on exploiting fear, reputation, violence and many levels of criminality for their own means. I see and hear stuff first hand stuff that would shock the toughest man or in fact weep.

    I'm not holding myself out as any expert btw but I'd wager that there's no one else on CL that comes into contact with individuals from the gypsy/travelling community with as much frequency as I do so this is said with a fair degree of experience rather than based on any prejudice.
  • KA - if you did your find and replace with words, it might be racist, but nobody did.
  • The programme was called 'Gypsy blood' ffs !
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  • That chicken fight was disturbing.

  • Not all gypsies are people of violence - there were people in that documentary who were gypsies and didn't like the violent culture that prevails in gypsy culture. Unfortunatley those people are forced to put up with it or fear they'll be rejected by family and friends. That and they can't really stop what other people are doing.

    I know i'm playing devils advocate here, my experiences with the travelling community haven't been great either. It's just it never sits right with me when a group (particularly an ethnic group, which like it or not, the irish travelling community are recognised as one) are all tarnished with the same brush.

    Watch the documentary, it's brilliant.
  • Good documentry .. But there all scum .

    How can you be a gypsy and own a brand new audi r8

    Them children will become animals .
  • edited January 2012
    The bloke gets done with a machete and a day later he's outside hopsital havin a fag and arranging another fight.

    spose when the nhs is 'free' ya might aswell make the most of it.
  • @adtheaddick made me laugh that bit, the man said he couldn't read or write yet owns an audi r8
  • Get your money's worth
  • No word of a lie but i'm more scared of these animals. Than anything in the world.

    When i was younger like 16 me and my mate got chased by a pack of 5 gypsy's down are local park. For no reason what so ever they also set 2 big dogs on us swearing and shouting at us.

    We kept running and running until we were at our local asda and hid in the sweet section. For about an hour.

    Scared to death of the 'OTHERS'
  • The 35 minute fight between two eight year olds was disgusting, that doesn't belong to any 'culture', black or white, thats child cruelty.

    Says it all that they would rather their children could fight than read, thats what a man is made of apparently.

    Interesting programme though, can't compare it to gypsy wedding etc.
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