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Kidney Failure

Hi I've not been around much recently, my dad whose disabled , had a fall at home and broke his shoulder, and was admitted about 10 days ago, to hospital he is currently unconscious and has kidney failure, we've been told he won't last much longer , and I'm on here as I'm trying to get a bit of respite as were doing a 24 hour bedside vigil , i know as my dad says "we're all in the queue" but it's so sad seeing him this way, I just wondered if any other lifers had been in a similar position, the doctors have been proved wrong in that they thought he would be gone on Monday , he's too fragile to be moved to a hospice, I just don't know how much longer this is going to go on for.

Dad was a season ticket holder , and I used to love taking him to the Valley, he came up to old Trafford for the quarter final of the fa cup, as well as Newcastle away midweek , when Kenny Dalglish was manager, it was his first game I think, sorry for waffling on it's helping me take my mind off stuff.


  • My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family MIA. Doctors predictions are sometimes wrong but you just have to cherish every moment you have with your loved ones.
  • hope the docs are wrong mate, keep the faith!
  • edited January 2012
    Lost my Dad 3 years ago & father-in-law 4 years ago. Both to illnesses, but not in comas.

    No doubt was the most difficult time of my life.

    Hang in there & stay strong. Unfortunately, this probably comes to nearly all of us.
  • Thinking of you
  • Sorry to hear this MIA. My thoughts are with you.
  • Very sad, was in a similar position with my mum a few years ago - keep hoping and praying.
  • Sorry to hear this news. Hopefully 3 points on Saturday may help a little!
  • Sorry MIA, my thoughts are also with you.
  • Our thoughts are with you MIA. The great thing about CL as I know is your can pour your heart out on here and no one can see your floods of tears.
  • I wish you and your family strength and hope through this difficult time.

    Missed your comments on the statbank and really hope your back soon and able to tell your dad about the game
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  • MIA, I was trying to think of something considered and insightful that you would find helpful, but instead will have to settle for sending best wishes.
  • I don't know you MIA but my thoughts go out to you and your family.

    Hope the lads can deliver this Saturday and onwards for yours and your dads sake
  • I feel for you and the rest of your family MIA. Words seem a little inadequate when you hear things like this. Stay strong.

  • I must say MIA, you always come across as a top bloke with your comments on here.
    Can only wish you and your family well at this most difficult time.

  • Feel for you, but is kidney failure fatal? Pressure the doctors for dialysis and full clinical diagnosis with prospects of recovery. You don't say how old he is, but hospitals care more for balance sheets than patients these days.
  • Feel for you, I've just got back from my old man's. He's suffering from an incurable brain tumour and only has a couple of months max left. Thought we'd lost him at Christmas with a blood clot on the lungs but he just about pulled through.
  • RobRob
    edited January 2012
    Went through this a few years ago with my mum (cancer) but, more recently, last October with my better half's dad. We both flew back to England (from California) to be with him in his last days. It certainly was harrowing to be there for his last hours and we were with him when he died (again cancer). What made it tougher was that my missus had only just been diagnosed herself with Cancer (breast) and there was only a week's window when she was allowed to fly between recovering from her surgery and the start of her chemo. It was touch and go whether we would get to be with him but we made it and during that week he passed and was buried. Very harrowing and emotionally draining.

    So MIA and DM (edit)- hang in there but this will be a very difficult time. In my mum's case she hung on for about 2 months after the initial diagnosis and the doctors had said she would last 'weeks'. In my missus' dads case he was diagnosed in the middle of September and died on October 18. The doctors usually know the signs and get it right. I'm finding out that as you get older these things just come along and bite you on the arse.
  • MIA and DaveMehmet - thinking of you both at this difficult time. Keep the faith - whatever that may be for you.
  • Very sad to hear.
  • So very sorry to her this, i don't know you but i hate to think of someone going through this. I know from experience that it is often more difficult for the family than it is for the person who is ill. Words will not make it better but i am sure you have the support of your friends and family, pull together and use this time to remember the happy times. Take care of each other
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  • Really sorry to hear that MIA, stay strong and best wishes. You too DM

    This place can certainly help as I've found over the past couple of days
  • edited January 2012
    Sorry to hear that MIA. In my experience, when you get to the very end with a loved one, there's a sense of relief that the suffering and limbo is over and that, regardless, they are passing into silence. THere's a kind of certainty, even if no one knows what comes after. With loved ones who survive, there's a collective "exhale", because coping with the suffering is to tough. There's comfort in that. Of course, in the immediate time after, it gets difficult again, but that passes with time too.

    We wish you and your family the best.
  • Is there no hope? had Kidney failure back in august was quite ill caused by untreated infection body still not 100% but getting there, have the hospital tried everything is he on the transplant list? Or is it so far gone it's knackered his liver too.

    If the answer is no to these surely there is a little hope... All the best wishes coming your way my thoughts are with you and your family MIA and you too DaveMehmet. I'll pray for you both xxx
  • Our thoughts are with you MIA.
    On a similar, but not quite so terminal note, i am flying to Australia next week to visit my father in law who has just had a stroke.
    The older we get the more frequent these occasions become, unfortunately.
  • Hang in there MIA cherish what time you have left, even though he is unconscious, talk to him all the time.Make sure you say eveything you want to say to him, dont leave anything behind mate.
  • I wish both DM and MIA the strength needed to deal with such sad times , I echo what Nss said I made sure I put most things right that I had done wrong with my old man , but there was things I never said or spoke about that I wish I had ,

    Live and hope for the day sometimes miracles can happen , just look at john hartson for evidence of that , all is not lost all the time ,

    Good luck and god bless
  • edited January 2012
    Thankyou all for your kind words, Charlton supporters are top of the league in more ways than one.

    Dad slipped away peacefully at 1am this morning, The last time we spoke where we could actually hold a brief conversation I asked him whether I should/ shouldn't go to take my wife and 2 lads to the Recent Fulham FA cup game, he said ' go and enjoy yourself' which summed him up , he always was more interested in other peoples well being rather than his own, despite having a horrendous medical history. I'd like to think the bouncy bouncy at Fulham was for him , I don't know yet if I'll be up for Sheff United at home on Saturday, but would love to think the players will put in another shift as they have done all season long and best Sheffield United.

    Bye dad love you , thanks for being the best, catch up with you in glory.
  • So sorry to hear that MIA. My thoughts are with you and your family this morning.
  • Good luck to you and your family, may your dad RIP.
  • MIA god bless and take care, remember the Rochdale game is the rememberance game, a fitting tribute to your Dad.
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