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Swearing on Charlton Life.



  • any c*** swearing on 'ere should be f***ing shot
  • In my opinion if you cannot express yourself and get your point across without resorting to swear words then you are obviously lacking enough vocabulary or command of the English language or the ability and brain power to find an alternative word.

    Also you swearing posters must consider some of the younger fans who read this site. It's not nice !!!.

    I am not a prude nor a snob but there are certain levels of decency that all us Charlton supporters should try to adhere too. I would hate to see us have a website like Millwall or West Ham where stringing a six word sentence together is a problem without four swear words.

    Naffing hell. Come on boys (and girls) let clean it up

    I disagree, I know people with good vocabulary's who resort to swearing, what they lack is a level of respect for others.

  • The other thing about swearing is that if you do it all the time you fail to get a reaction and if you don't need a reaction there is no need to swear in the first place.
  • i never swear ever not in real life or cyber life , you wont find 1 post or thread where i have sworn

    i think society has gone to the dogs, that there must have been a release from jail purge in the SE Londondon area because this has only just started happening

    no F***k off whilst i have my dinner you Schlaggs
  • edited January 2012
    yeah but if you dont swear often when you do swear people look at you in disbelief rather than take in what you were actually going on about. (i was going to swear at the end of this sentence to sort of make a point but felt it probably wont go down well.)

    I really dont care about swearing but others do, which is fine. You dont really need to swear in text but if you do as long as it makes sense i feel its ok. There is no arugument for or against it, its just what an individual feels about it. The intelligence argument is really ill placed in this discussion and it has no weight to it what so ever.

    Kids being on here, well, the internet is full of offensive words, pictures, views, etc. I know you can have safety walls on the internet, but you cant have them at school/mates/familys/neighbours/shop keepers. I remember when i first learnt the c word, it was in primary school and i heard it from a caretaker. With few discussions with mates and one saying it to his dad we soon found out what it meant. I dont think it really matters, but some do. oh well.
  • I must be missing something here. Forgive me.

    I thought the whole idea of a forum was people could put their views in an intelligent manner to get their points across.

    I still cannot see the need to use the f or c word unless your vocabulary is so low or your PC does not have a thesaurus.

    I agree with KAP10 comment its all about respect. Not only for others but your own self respect.
  • To quote the wonderful Arthur Smith: "Everyday swearing is f***ing marvellous"

    I've always sworn - since I was young. My mother has language that would disturb a sailor, and the amount of, or verbosity with which a man swears is no more a mark of his intelligence (or lack thereof) than his accent. South-East Londoners in general swear more than any other group of people I know. I'm not trying to excuse my swearing - I couldn't give a f*** what people think (see what I did there?) - but wouldn't you rather have a forum full of swearing than some of the racist tripe we get on here on a semi-regular basis?
    Beautifully written and funny as always, Leroy is a national treasure IMO.
  • Yes and you're a Pilchard!
  • Whats the "D" word ?
    damn or damned
  • I must be missing something here. Forgive me.

    I thought the whole idea of a forum was people could put their views in an intelligent manner to get their points across.

    I still cannot see the need to use the f or c word unless your vocabulary is so low or your PC does not have a thesaurus.

    I agree with KAP10 comment its all about respect. Not only for others but your own self respect.
    You must be new to the internet.
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  • edited January 2012
    Yes and you're a Pilchard!

    And you're still Chirpy!
  • I think it's down to a bit of self discipline verbally I swear a lot but try not to so much on the site for the reasons stated that kids use it. But times change and with it what is and isn't acceptable. I was reading an article the other day about Guy Gibson the famous WW2 pilot who led the Dam Busters raids winning the VC in the process, and the article was saying that television companies when showing the 1950's fim with Richard Todd now have to bleep out the scenes with Gibsons dog in it beacuse the dogs name was N****r which is now considered to be hugely offensive but back in the day wasn't. This kind of illustrates the problem of causing offense so on balance I say swear less and if you have to use the *
  • I think it's down to a bit of self discipline verbally I swear a lot but try not to so much on the site for the reasons stated that kids use it. But times change and with it what is and isn't acceptable. I was reading an article the other day about Guy Gibson the famous WW2 pilot who led the Dam Busters raids winning the VC in the process, and the article was saying that television companies when showing the 1950's fim with Richard Todd now have to bleep out the scenes with Gibsons dog in it beacuse the dogs name was N****r which is now considered to be hugely offensive but back in the day wasn't. This kind of illustrates the problem of causing offense so on balance I say swear less and if you have to use the *
    Funnily enough it was on this week and the N word definatly wasn't bleeped out.
  • Really BB didn't see it just quoting the article. Mind you watch Boyz n the hood and you wil hear the word practically every sentence
  • anyone remember love thy neighbour?
  • anyone remember love thy neighbour?
    yep. Now that defineatly wouldn't be shown now.
    `it ain't half hot mum' apparently isn't shown now because it's not PC, but i think it's hilarious.
  • edited January 2012
    it aint half hot mum is funny. its satire, takes the mick out of the british as much as the indians, in which i guess the controllers of tv networks feel it would offend. I dont think it would but i'm not in charge of any tv networks to put it on.
  • I think it's down to a bit of self discipline verbally I swear a lot but try not to so much on the site for the reasons stated that kids use it. But times change and with it what is and isn't acceptable. I was reading an article the other day about Guy Gibson the famous WW2 pilot who led the Dam Busters raids winning the VC in the process, and the article was saying that television companies when showing the 1950's fim with Richard Todd now have to bleep out the scenes with Gibsons dog in it beacuse the dogs name was N****r which is now considered to be hugely offensive but back in the day wasn't. This kind of illustrates the problem of causing offense so on balance I say swear less and if you have to use the *
    Is the dog black then?

  • Can we sink this now please guys?

    I think the discussion's been had and we seem to be wandering off into potentially choppy waters...
  • I must be missing something here. Forgive me.

    I thought the whole idea of a forum was people could put
    their views in an intelligent manner to get their points across.

    I still cannot see the need to use the f or c word unless your vocabulary is so low or your PC does not have a thesaurus.

    I agree with KAP10 comment its all about respect. Not only for others but your own self respect.
    You must be new to the internet.
    I am not new to the internet and i find you comment insulting.

    Also I dont understand your comment?????

    If you are going to post your views make sure they make sense because yours does not say anything or mean anything. In fact it underlines my point people do not use the language to express themselves properly so i thank you for confirming this .

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  • @charlton villager

    I don't think he meant to insult you. Rather, I took his remark as a comment on the extreme levels of abuse one finds in almost any discussion on the medium of the internet. Many of the comments following articles/letters on the online editions of The Times, Independent and Guardian are just ridiculously unpleasant. God knows what the equivalents on the Sun or Mirror websites would be like.
  • edited January 2012
    Theres a difference between swearing and swearing at.

    Swearing does not indicate a small vocabulary, just a vocabulary that includes swear-words.

    I was brought up in a family where swearing was considered beyond the pale, it still feels quite liberating sometimes.

    I only use the C word when someone cuts me up. And I always apologise if there is anyone in the car with me.

    Using on this forum? kinds of hangs around doesn't it? The same rules don't apply to a forum as to everyday conversation although a similar level of informality is nice, and thats all I get from most of the swearing here.

    Which brings me back to my initial comment. I am uncomfortable with personal abuse which does or does not include swearing. Though I've probably done it in my time.
  • Bumped because we seem to be getting more & more threads recently where some posters feel it's appropriate to 'eff and blind like a Bermonsey docker. No need for it in every thread, as we seem to be heading towards imo.

    No doubt it'll result in the usual personal abuse from some but my point of view remains that CL is a much more pleasant place to spend some virtual time if we all refrain from ending our posts with "so & so is a c...", etc.

    *reaches for tin hat*
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