Not a question but can you thank him for scoring that tasty goal at Oakwell back in 99 which erased the Oakwell demons a few years before when we were tonked 5-0 and they got promoted.
Did he think when playing in the same team as Chris Powell, that this "nice" mild mannered left back would be a manager and if so did he at that time think he would be a success?
During agame at Portsmouth he was injured during the match and taken direct to hospital for x-rays on a cheek-bone.Just wondering if he remembers what happen after he left hospital with Peter Burrowes.I have some great photos taken with him that night.
Did he find it hard to keep focused after leaving Chelsea?
What aspects of the US setup does he see as being superior to what he was used to in the UK?
What was it like that day after the win,
Does he still have any links with CAFC?
What are his coaching/management ambitions? Does he feel that black former players have not been given a fair chance in coaching/management?
Can you ask him what the sum of 80+80x0+1 is please?