Okay, scrap my last thread. Mate hadn't ordered the tickets, don't have to travel to maidstone... anyway!
Some pubs I've heard are doing £50 (around) for entry and free drink for all the night and open till late for New Years Eve. I was wondering if anyone know's of any specific ones, Bexley, Eltham, Sidcup etc what are doing the deals and how much and what they are doing. I'd rather go to a pub than club so they're now letting me plan it.
Cheers all.
We are talking £50 not being enough for a night out onm the beer --either you have a drink problem --- your mates are not buying or your drinking in bloody expensive pubs Aaverage £3.50 a pint still about 14 pints ....................as for giving over £50 for the whole night in one boozer - non runner here
Tip is don't take your bank card with you!
Last time I did I spent £170ish. Never again.
If you're expecting to spend more than £50 on drink = a minimum of 12 pints. Then it doesn't matter where you go as you won't remember it anyway :-)
Only eleven tickets left! Come on any north of the border addicks great night out and a substantial amount of spare women of all ages!