I deleted a post in that thread which may / may not have triggered some warnings.
We've had no security issues now in the six months we moved the site from its old servers. If however you ever do have a problem, are you're not sure about anything, hit your inbox button the top right and send a pm to both me and Lookout. If you can copy and paste a screenshot of what your not sure about then even better, ta
I deleted a post in that thread which may / may not have triggered some warnings. We've had no security issues now in the six months we moved the site from its old servers. If however you ever do have a problem, are you're not sure about anything, hit your inbox button the top right and send a pm to both me and Lookout. If you can copy and paste a screenshot of what your not sure about then even better, ta
Which really means you and Looky get to look at the porn and we don't!
something isnt correct as my PC locked up after accessing this site, said something about a script running which will make my PC unresponsive....
rebooted and all ok now...
We've had no security issues now in the six months we moved the site from its old servers. If however you ever do have a problem, are you're not sure about anything, hit your inbox button the top right and send a pm to both me and Lookout. If you can copy and paste a screenshot of what your not sure about then even better, ta