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Kirlkland out for 6 weeks - will Carson get the call

edited February 2007 in General Charlton
for England in Israel by McLaren.

He doesn't like Charlton players that is plainly obvious.

Will be interesting.

I bet he brings back James - who deserves it to be fair - but will be interesting


  • can't see it, and not sure i'd really want him to at the moment. Seems to me there's little to gain from a match like this, but a lot to lose.

    If i was McClaren, i'd probably go for experience for this one, but Scotty should be in the frame next season.
  • What would the point be in recalling James again?
  • a solid short-term stop gap measure.

    James has arguably been the best English goalkeeper this season anyway
  • James has been the best English goal keeper for the last few seasons - at club level. In internationals he has never looked comfortable or convincing. As a one-off measure maybe, but at his age he's not part of the future. Carson is, so I'd take Carson and use it as experience for him, Israel are a tough nut to crack but they aren't one of the better international sides, no disrespect to them but if Carson can be considered a Premiership keeper then he should be more than capable of performing against Israel.
  • [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]James has been the best English goal keeper for the last few seasons - at club level. In internationals he has never looked comfortable or convincing.
    even our dennis scored past him!
  • and Amady Faye...
  • McClaren has recently been quoted as saying the door isn't shut for James, Campbell and Beckham.... so my money would be on a recall for James....
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