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Politics & Football.



  • Goodnight Left Side is a play on Goodnight Right Side, which I'm sure would not have batted any eyelids. It was on my profile as I clicked on the wrong picture from my PC when loading a picture for my profile on here, I'm new to this forum and never noticed until I logged in a second time. Anyway, it doesn't make me a pissing Nazi because I believe in Right Wing politics ffs. Leave Google alone and try and get some info from more reliable sources. I say again, why would I champion the wearing of Poppys if I was a Nazi?

  • edited November 2011
    Can i get a tee shirt with  " burn the left side" on ?  "good night" seems a bit wet/mumsy to me.

    Rob old chap its this easy ----when the haters of all things GB/Uk/English  make it out (with yet another huge lie) that wearing the poppy is in some way "right wing--nero nazi" etc they have destroyed yet another tradition. Words like "poppy culture" being a prime example.

  • I think it adds to the site and is healthy. It is great that left and right leaners are united in their love for a football club and as long as the debate doesn't get personal or abusive then what is wrong with it? I think it is very healthy and a political thread is pretty obvious from the title so if it isn't your cup of tea you don't have to comment or look at it.
  •  lol GH


    Fair comment Muttley, but if someone decides to "come out" as right wing, how long will it take until you'll be hearing the three words used by the Left (Nazi/Racist/Fascist) to stifle any debate that then follows......

  • I trust that you won't be approaching FIFA to allow us to wear Swastika's ?
  • Well it is wrong and Offensive to call somebody who is right  leaning a nazi/racist/facist as it is wrong to call somebody who leans the other way a commie or loony lefty - It degrades your argument if you resort to unfair stereotypes. I think it goes both ways though.
  • We often have some very good political debate on here as there are some very intelligent, insightful and analytical posters on this site (far more than your average forum, IMO).  We all get wound up from time to time and people sometimes misunderstand each other - this might be the case yesterday's poppy thread, for example.  Whatever the ins and outs, apologies have been made and all are being civil to each other, which shows what makes this forum so good.

    I have my own political views and sometimes have a rant (I do try to resist, but am not always successful, but I do make the effort), but even though there are posters on this board whose political opinions I disagree with, I like to think that we can still be part of a civilized discussion about the greatest football team in the universe.  Fortunately, most on here, like myself, don't tend to hold grudges!

  • Amen. Very sensible points of view.
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