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1988 - 89 Home Shirt and Shorts - FOR SALE



  • Short shorts
  • edited 2011 31
    Another auction of more rare Charlton memorabilia as we continue our efforts to raise £2000 towards new minibuses for the CAFC Academy.

    So far we've raised £1700 so nearly there but still lots of good stuff to come.

    As ever it's an open auction which ends this Friday 4th November at 5.00pm.  Winners will need to collect or add postage.

    Lot A is a red Admiral home shirt from the 88/9 first division days. size "large".  In very good condition for its age.  A very few slight bobbles but no cracking on the badge or logos.    Opening bid £18

    Lot B is a pair of Admiral shorts.  Size says large although they are short as was the fashion at the time.  Some bobbling but otherwise in good condition.   I believe the shorts are from the same kit as the shirt but can't be sure.  Anyone confirm this.  Opening bid £5

    Happy bidding

  • What is the size of the home shirt please?
  • edited 2011 31
    Size is Large.   I missed that but now edited.
  • edited 2011 31

    £18 for the shirt.

    £5 for the shorts (if they are also large?) please

  • £20 shirt please 
  • £25 for the shirt.

    £5 for the shorts (if they are also large?) please

  • Shorts are large ie that's what is says on the waist band but as you can see they are short shorts.

    Thanks for the bids guys

    A £25  Rodney

    B £5   Rodney
  • Just updated my spreadsheet and when ValleyFred, NLA, Cruicky and Addickted Jim and the recent winners cough up we will have reached £1,713.

    And we still have more shirts, some signed, loads of interesting programmes, books, magazines, press cuttings etc etc etc

    We've even got a huge limited edition print of a painting, another print of which hangs in the boardroom at the Valley, lots of framed pictures and two Valley Party posters but more of all that in the weeks and months to come.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Love to have some spare cash, been some great items auctioned so far and this shirt is one of them.
  • been some great items auctioned so far and this shirt is one of them.
    I know, such a shame that the shirt is large. Probably look like a tent on me.
  • A = £28

    B = £7

  • A, £30
  • Going well this one
  • A. £40
  • A. 45 quid.

    Classic shirt.

  • Cheers Shag and Dave

    A  £45 bangkok Dave

    B £7 Too Good
  • edited 2011 01

    Bangkok Dave is just pricing up his postage there

    A. £50

  • Shag going for the 80s shirt and Ski hat combo look next home game, no doubt.

    A £50 Shag

    B £7 Too Good
  • Sponsored links:

  • all gone quiet now.

    Calm before the storm I reckon
  • Still very quiet, no more bids, none at all
  • Still no more bids.  I'll start to package up both items to send to Shag and Too Good.
  • Wrapped up and ready to post.  No need to bother with another day really but I guess I better for the sake of fairness
  • £55 shirt

    £8 shorts

  • edited 2011 03
    I spoke to soon

    A £55 Rodney

    B £8  Rodney

  • Still open? It's lunch time here in sunny, flooded Bangkok

    A 60 of your finest English pounds
  • Cheers Dave

    A  £60  Bangkok Dave

    B  £8 Rodney

    Last day today.  Closes 5.00pm UK time.
  • 4 hours left to bid
  • just over one hour and then that's it.   never get the chance again
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