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Missing Young Boy in Eltham

edited October 2011 in Not Sports Related
Hi Everyone 

if you see my friends brother can you please ring the police ASAP

Twitter: #Missingyoungboy please trend 

Thanks Rob 


  • Good news He has been found after 2 days out on the streets :D
  • Glad to hear it.  Parents must have been out of their minds with worry.
  • Same age as my son. I would have been going out of my head if I was his dad. Doesn't bear thinking about. So glad it's all turned out okay.
  • Bloody el,


    That is a wide area for an 11 year old to 'hang about'

    'Joshua is known to frequent the following areas; the BMX Park in Horn Park SE12, areas in Bromley including the Common and Greenwich Park.'

  • doesnt bear thinking about glad he is home safe and well


    only 1 year older than my son, dont think i would survive 48hrs of not knowing his safety,



  • Worrying that an 11 year old has that much freedom and the will to disappear from his home - sounds very sad. London is not a  good place for an 11 year old to be alone.

  • Has he said what he was doing for two days and how it happened?
  • edited October 2011

    it just goes to show that the balance of freedon you give your kids is important,

    i was thinking about this and my lad wouldnt have had the balls nor the knowhow of what to do or where to go,

    i think i dont give him enough freedom sometimes but knowing he is safe, happy and wanting for nothing keeps me of sane mind



  • My 13 y o daughter hates me sometimes because I don't let her out far.

    Only just g

    Couldn't give a toss.
  • I
    My 13 y o daughter hates me sometimes because I don't let her out far.

    Only just gIving my 16 y o some 'slack'

    Couldn't give a toss.
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  • The above is absolutely true - being a good and responsible parent will never make you popular. I find that a lot of parents want to be mates with their children and not parents - there has to be a sensible balance. My eldest kids thought I was too strict, but they have grown up into sensible, hard working adults without criminal records.
  • Strange though aint it, i dont consider myself old at only 36 , but as a 10 year old boy i was out and about, in greenwich, woolwich, charlton, plumstead on my bike or just hopping on and off the busses,


    up to no real harm but i would not dream of letting my little un do it



    and for no real reason other than fear, no real sound justifiable reason

  • Different times now though - different worries, more traffic, more crime, worse driving and other issues.

  • Strange though aint it, i dont consider myself old at only 36 , but as a 10 year old boy i was out and about, in greenwich, woolwich, charlton, plumstead on my bike or just hopping on and off the busses,


    up to no real harm but i would not dream of letting my little un do it



    and for no real reason other than fear, no real sound justifiable reaso

    Sadly, it's a totally different world out there now, NLA.
  • is it really though or are we now too cautious, i know that the points paul makes about traffic and more vehicles are 100% true


    however more crime is that true or is it more a different type of crime,


    its really strange, i often wonder if i didnt live in London would i be more relaxed about it, i know when we go on holiday (over here) campsites and holiday parks i let him off with kids that i have only met for a matter of mins, and he goes and comes back allday long for a couple of quid here or swimming shorts and a towel, or his BMX and he never lets me down, but i wouldnt dream of permitting him that freedom at home


    i wouldnt change my mind as i am uncomfortable with the thoughts of him wandering about enfield with just him and his pals

  • The truth is actually that crime has been going down for ages, but the perception of crime is going up. The kids have never been safer, but all we hear are the horror stories.

    Having said that, I just know I'm going to be strict!
  • I agree about perception - I think the reporting of crime has also gone up. I read a book about someone growing up in the east end in the 50s and there was a man who was well known for groping young girls. Young girls where therefore warned not to go too near him and one day he 'went too far' and the locals went round, gave him a bit of a kick-in and no more was said.

    This would never happen today.

  • according to the group on fb he has ran again...
  • well that explains and changes a lot,


    i hope he is safe and well but i really for sad for his partents they must be absolutely beside themselves with worry and thoughts of why

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