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edited September 2011 in Not Sports Related
Any one watching the programme on itv1 about the 9/11 attacks . Truly shocking makes me shiver just thinking about it !


  • Watched one last night about the firemen on duty that day.They saw things nobody should ever see.
  • I've got a bad feeling about this thread...

  • Just realised i put the thread in general charlton. Sorry
  • Watched one last night about the firemen on duty that day.They saw things nobody should ever see.
    Amazing wern't they... they will never ged rid of the sights they saw that day
  • There was a great programme last night about why there are still conspiracy theories about 9/11 and surprise, surprise it's all about people just believing what they want to believe....despite what the evidence may say!
  • edited September 2011
    I've been watching this programme. I was only 6 when it happened so I don't have a good memory of it, but seeing the images of people falling through the sky is harrowing.
  • Might as well believe Gillian McKeith's a well knowledgable Doctor.
  • Americans are building the freedom tower in remeberance of 9/11 400 feet bigger then the twin towers - Asking for trouble that is
  • A horrific, tragic day. But never forget the U.S.A has a history of inflicting such events on countries all over the world.
  • I was about 10 when this happened. I saw last nights programme and was horrified. I remember watching the News that day. Tonight's programme is also bad. Watching the people jumping out of the windows was the most horrifying bit.
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  • Remember being at school, 8 years old. Everything just coming to a standstill, everyone just watching the news on a crappy old TV. Remember seeing them collapse, horrible.
  • I was watching this unfold live before my eyes at the time but listening to that fireman talk about the man in the brown suit and the other fireman that was killed by a falling body was really really sad

  • Hearing the stories of the Fireman last night was shocking. Those guys are true heroes and also witnessed thing that nobody should ever have to see.
  • Watching this doc on ITV2... the guys at ground zero are telling heartfelt, harrowing stories. The White House bunch meanwhile are effectively boasting about their reaction and hard work. Dick Cheney declaring war, without really knowing who with.
  • I was at work and one of my plant suppliers called in and told me that the a plane had crashed into the WTC. I stuck on the radio just as the second tower was hit.

    I have to say it was pretty chilling listening to the BBC personnel describe the events. I remember Peter Allen describe the moment when one of the towers collapsed - there was a professional yet emotional description of the event which will always stay with me. The knowledge that those trapped inside these gigantic towers would all be dead. 

    I rushed home and sat transfixed as the story unfolded.

    I have worked briefly in New York. I recall the vastness of these towers that just dominated the landscape. I still can't believe that they could have been made to collapse. Watching the planes going into them just emphasises how colossal they were.

    I think of the fire and emergency services who were running towards the danger when everyone else who could were running away. The courage of these guys is beyond the scope of mere words.
  • Watching this doc on ITV2... the guys at ground zero are telling heartfelt, harrowing stories. The White House bunch meanwhile are effectively boasting about their reaction and hard work. Dick Cheney declaring war, without really knowing who with.

    That struck me as well. There seemed a big difference between Giulianni and his deputy thinking what should I do for my city compared to the White House lot thinking what should I be seen to be doing.
  • Without wishing to add to humour to the thread or to seem disrespectful, but the people on this thread saying I was at school or I was 6 are making me feel ancient! I was at work on the day of 9/11 and can remember the silence that fell onto the publishing floor (magazine publishing) as we watched the pictures - our phones didn't seem to ring either - when the towers collapsed you just had this overwhelming feeling that thousands of people died in that split second & no-one could do a thing about it.

    Seeing the planes hit the towers still seems like something out of Hollywood nevermind 10 years ago - RIP
  • I lost a couple of friends/colleagues as my employer took one of the direct hits

    I was in a meeting and someone disturbed us to say a plane had hit but my boss was trying to do a conference call with people who were all now dead. That's pretty harrowing.

    Rough day but I've got several friends that survived it quite by chance (running late, missed train etc)
  • There's a thread on here - where were you?

    That programme last night was a real eye opener.  I found it really interesting as some snippets in there and was surprised at the high level of commentators on it, as didnt know it was going to be on.

    The bloke at Barksdale reading out the food list with a smile on his face was an odd one.  Laura Bush grabbing her animals rushing out of the White house the following morning was another!!  Dont even remember seeing clips of the wreckage of the Pentagon at the time, i suppose as main focus was on the Twin Towers.  Been a while since i have seen a clip of the planes going in and it was like watching it all over again.

  • CURB IT: "That programme last night was a real eye opener.  I found it really
    interesting as some snippets in there and was surprised at the high
    level of commentators on it, as didnt know it was going to be on"

    The 'high level' of commentators struck me too, but in the sense that it made it feel almost propagandist. Dick Cheney keeps a bit of the plane on a plaque to "remind himself" of the event? Really?  Laura Bush spent more time talking about slippers and dogs than she did victims, while the White House-released footage and stills were there to show how brilliant the US are at responding to a crisis.

    "We had to let the people know we were willing to respond to a WAR!"

    And Bush insisting on going back to Washington? What a hero!

    Rudy Guilliani was the only sincere figurehead in all that, for me. "I went back down to ground zero. I don't know why. Maybe I was in shock, I dunno." - genuine and not remotely self-congratulatory.
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  • Wasnt sure about the ITV show last night, I agree with the comment above that it felt more like propaganda.
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