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  • On the "My Online Chess" page, there should be an option to accept a challenge I'd imagine. I've never been challenged before so I'm not sure, have only challenged others!
  • I've just signed up as McBobbin its many years since I've played, so bring it on!
  • I've got Redboy by the balls.
    Note to Redboy, I lost when I had a queen and 2 pawns and my opponent had only had 2 pawns. Only matter time till I fook it up. I'm to nice, no killer instinct
  • I've got Redboy by the balls.
    Note to Redboy, I lost when I had a queen and 2 pawns and my opponent had only had 2 pawns. Only matter time till I fook it up. I'm to nice, no killer instinct

    You can always resign Rodders to sae yourself that pain ;-)
  • Good advice. I shall consider it
  • edited August 2011
    Knights? Ugly little pieces with ugly sneaky little moves. I am getting royally shafted by them in virtually every game!
  • Completed two games - beat Sheffield Red in 59 moves playing black :-)

    Lost to Leroy playing white ;-(

  • I've challenged a few of you, but don't expect too much of a challenge
  • Just stumbled upon this thread, have been addicted to for a while, although with varying success! My username is Racsam, will join in the fun if I may?
  • Bring it on Glosfan!
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  • I've registered in the spirit of CL. My username is the same sadiejane1981, I can play but don't think I'm very good, haven't played for many years.
  • image

    You are not fooling anyone Sadie. Just found an old photo of you.
  • yeah I wish, poker yes, chess no, I suck I am only playing people so they can get their ratings up lol.
  • 3-0 - undefeated!

    Though I did play my mate online last week and got thoroughly humiliated (he has got a ranking of about 2000 mind you)

    Currently about to decimate a couple more Addicks - and the couple of games I felt I was behind in seem to be petering out to draws.
  • Will ask you for a game Leroy.
  • I'm being introduced to a whole world of hurt :( I'm clearly not as good as I was when I was 10
  • I'm being introduced to a whole world of hurt :( I'm clearly not as good as I was when I was 10
    Tell me about it!. I now realise I don't really know how to play this game. But, I have ordered some books on basic Chess strategy and tactics. Once I have studied these I will be looking for revenge on some people here. Particularly Leroy. If that doesn't work I will only accept challenges from Sadie in the future.
  • I'm being introduced to a whole world of hurt :( I'm clearly not as good as I was when I was 10
    Tell me about it!. I now realise I don't really know how to play this game. But, I have ordered some books on basic Chess strategy and tactics. Once I have studied these I will be looking for revenge on some people here. Particularly Leroy. If that doesn't work I will only accept challenges from Sadie in the future.
    You should have taken my advice in the notes and avoided the Queen exchange :o)
  • Can't believe how bad I am at this but it's strangely addictive
  • Will ask you for a game Leroy.
    What the hell are you doing playing the Sokolsky? That's like a bizarre form of mental torture!
  • Sponsored links:

  • I wonder if the Spanners have a thread on their forum about playing Draughts?
  • Penny Up more like it

  • 3 - 2 up

    Leroy, Seth, Sadie, Ellis - if any of you fancy a game let me know. I can't find you on the site to challenge you.

    Threadkiller - running scared?
  • Leroy, it's all I know! And SheffieldRed I'm up for it, but haven't figured out how to find you.
  • Yeah, I'm up for that Sheffield. You should be able to find me - I've played a few games already and am in some right now.

    Anyone else wants to give me a game I'm up for it - though at some point I'm going to start refusing challenges from people with ratings under 1500 - not because I'm a flash prick, but because I haven't got the concentration to play about twenty games at once :)

    I'm also going to refuse to play against people using the polish opening... :)
  • everybody who has recently beaten me due to me not making a move for 3 days it was because I was in hospital I am ready to play again.
  • Send me a challenge Sadie

    Got to give a special shout-out here to Seth - who has played the Polish opening against me, and led me to almost have a brain aneruysm trying to think my way through it!
  • unable to find some of the names but am open to challenges under ellisaddick, I am slowly getting a bit back now
  • You sure showed me. I don't think I've managed to beat anyone from CL yet :-(
  • Saw this joke from the Fringe. "I was playing my mate at chess. I said let's make this a bit more interesting. So we stopped playing chess."
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